Magnésium bisglycinate et sommeil

Magnesium bisglycinate and sleep: magnesium for a good night's sleep?

The sleep disorders are becoming increasingly common these days, with millions of people around the world struggling to get quality rest each night and better cope with their busy days.

Sleep deprivation can lead to, among other things, constant fatigue, diminished cognitive performance and impaired overall quality of life.

Fortunately, there are natural solutions to improve the quality of our sleepand one of them is the magnesium bisglycinate.

Find out all you need to know here about benefits of magnesium bisglycinate on the sleep !

What is magnesium bisglycinate?

Visit magnesium is a mineral essential for the proper functioning of the body. It plays a key role in regulating muscle and nerve function, DNA synthesis, energy production, bone formation and heart rate...

Adequate magnesium intake can help prevent many health problems, including high blood pressurehypertension diabetesdiabetes cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.

Visit magnesium can also have a positive impact on sleep by promoting muscular relaxationand production of melatonin and regulation of the nervous system.

Visit magnesium bisglycinate, or magnesium bisglycinateis a form of magnesium supplement that is associated with glycinean amino acid. This form of magnesium is highly absorbable by the body (has very high bioavailability) and is considered to be more gentler on the stomach than other forms of magnesium (marine magnesium or magnesium malate), making it ideal for people with sensitive digestion.

What's more magnesium bisglycinate is ideal for improving the quality of by regulating the nervous system and promoting melatonin production.

Magnesium bisglycinate, marine or malate: which is best?

Choosing the right form of magnesium depends on requirements and the tolerance of each individual.

Visit marine magnesium is extracted from sea waterwhich makes it a natural source of magnesium. It can be beneficial for heart health and muscle function, but it can also provoke gastrointestinal problems in certain sensitive individuals.

The magnesium malateor malate, is a combination of magnesium and malic acid, which can help support energy production in cells. However, it can also cause gastrointestinal problems in some people.

Unlike marine or malate magnesium magnesium bisglycinate is generally better tolerated by the stomachmaking it a popular choice for those seeking to improve their sleep.

magnesium bisglycinate

What are the possible side effects of magnesium bisglycinate?

In addition to its excellent bioavailability, magnesium bisglycinate is well tolerated by most people and has no side effects.

However, it should be noted that other forms of magnesium salt, such as magnesium sulfate or chloride, may in some cases cause :

  • Stomach upset
  • diarrhoea
  • Abdominal cramps
digestive problems


How does magnesium bisglycinate work to improve sleep?

Visit magnesium bisglycinate can contribute to improve sleep in two main ways:

  1. Relaxing properties: Magnesium bisglycinate soothes the nervous system, promotes relaxation and creates a state of relaxation conducive to falling asleep and recuperating sleep.
  2. Melatonin production : Magnesium bisglycinate supports the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle (known as the sleep hormone).

This form of magnesium can therefore help improve sleep quality by supporting the natural production of melatonin and promoting nervous relaxation.

How can magnesium bisglycinate reinforce the effects of melatonin (sleep hormone)?

Visit melatonin is a hormone produced naturally by the gland pineal gland in the brain (also called the "epiphysis"), which regulates our circadian rhythm (sleep-wake rhythm) and plays an important role in the sleep regulation.

It is often referred to as "sleep hormonebecause it is primarily responsible for regulating our sleep-wake cycle and helping us to fall asleep at night.

Visit magnesium bisglycinate can reinforce the effects of melatonin by helping to increase its production.

In fact, magnesium is necessary for the conversion of serotonin into melatonin - since serotonin is a neurotransmitter that also plays a role in regulating sleep and mood.

Thus, ensuring an adequate intake of magnesium bisglycinate can support melatonin production and promote better quality sleep.

Magnesium and sleep: how can magnesium deficiency prevent us from sleeping well?

A magnesium-poor diet can have a negative impact on many of the body's functions.

In fact, the magnesium is an essential mineral involved in many biochemical processes in our body, including the regulation of the nervous systemthe muscle function and sleep.

A insufficient magnesium intake can therefore lead to imbalance in these processes and significantly disrupt the sleep.

Visit lack of magnesium can also promote stress and anxiety which, in turn, can lead to increased muscle tension, nervous hyperactivity and reduced melatonin production.


All these phenomena combine to produce a our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Correcting a magnesium deficiency, in particular by taking the dietary supplements of magnesium bisglycinatedietary supplements, helps reduce stress and anxiety and automatically improve sleep quality.

How to take magnesium bisglycinate for optimum results?

The dose and form of magnesium bisglycinate to be taken will vary according to individual needs and your doctor's recommendations.

In all cases, it is essential to follow the instructions on the product label and to consult a qualified health professional before starting a magnesium bisglycinate supplement.

In general, it is recommended to take magnesium bisglycinate with a meal for better absorption. The bisglycinate form is often better tolerated by the stomach (very good digestive tolerance), which contributes to gastrointestinal side effects.

Dosage may vary, but it is generally recommended to start with a low dose and thengradually increase according to individual tolerance and needs.

How long does it take for magnesium to take effect?

The effects of magnesium bisglycinate on the sleep may vary from person to person, and it may take more or less time for optimal results to be observed.

Some people may experience improved sleep within the first few days of taking magnesium bisglycinateOthers may take several weeks to show significant effects.

For best results, it is advisable to take magnesium bisglycinate in the following way regularly and in line with recommendations.

It is also essential to act on other parameters to effectively improve sleep quality, including :

What can I do in addition to taking magnesium bisglycinate to help me sleep better?

blue light insomnia

In addition to taking magnesium bisglycinatethere are other measures you can take to improve sleep quality.

Here are a few additional tips for better sleep :

  • Create an environment conducive to sleep: make sure your bedroom is comfortable, cool, quiet and dark.
  • Establish a regular sleep routine: try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends, to help regulate your circadian rhythm.
  • Avoid stimulants before bedtime: Limit your intake of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine before bedtime, as these exciting substances can disrupt sleep.
  • Eliminate screens before bedtime: the blue light emitted by computer, TV and cell phone screens can disrupt your melatonin production.
  • Adopt relaxation techniques: Muscle relaxation, meditation, deep breathing and other stress management techniques can help promote relaxation and preparation for sleep.

How can stress levels affect sleep, and how can magnesium bisglycinate help manage it?

Visit stress is one of the main factors known to affect impact on sleep quality.

In fact, when we are under stress, our body releases stress hormones, such as cortisol and noradrenalin, which can increase anxiety, disrupt our circadian rhythm and disrupt sleep.

Visit chronic stress can also deplete our magnesium levels, which can worsen sleep problems.

The magnesium bisglycinate contributes to stress management by helping to regulate stress responses in the body. Maintaining adequate levels of magnesium can help mitigate the negative effects of stress on sleep and promote increased mental and emotional relaxation.

Magnesium bisglycinate can also help improve sleep quality by promoting muscle relaxationMagnesium plays an important role in muscle contraction and relaxation.

sleep magnesium


Visit magnesium bisglycinate is a supplement that can be very effective for promote healthy, restful sleep grace :

  • Nervous system regulation,
  • Supporting melatonin production,
  • reduces stress and anxiety,
  • relieving muscular tension.

However, it is important to combine the use of magnesium bisglycinate with other measures to improve sleep quality, such as creating a sleep-friendly environment, establishing a regular sleep routine, managing stress, adopting relaxation techniques...

multi-approach sleep formula
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