
Lactoferrin and its benefits

What is lactoferrin?

Lactoferrin is a glycoprotein found naturally in human and cow's milk. The protein is also found in many other body fluids, such as saliva, tears, mucus and bile.

Lactoferrin is found in greater quantities in colostrum, the first type of breast milk produced after the birth of a baby.

Colostrum Breast Milk

Fact: About seven times more lactoferrin is found in colostrum than in the milk produced afterwards.

How does it work?

A member of the transferrin family, lactoferrin has many properties.

Its main functions in the body are to bind and transport iron. By depriving pathogens of the iron they need to thrive, lactoferrin helps fight viral and bacterial infections.

The benefits of lactoferrin

Immune health

Lactoferrin stimulates the immune system. It has immunomodulatory effects, which means it enhances the immune response.

Immune response: reaction of the immune system in the presence of an antigen.

Antiviral effects

It reduces the risk of viral infection by preventing the virus from entering the host cell, either by blocking cellular receptors or by binding directly to viral particles.

Anti-bacterial effects

Its ability to bind to iron inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. It sequesters the iron needed for their survival, disrupting the proliferation of these bacteria and thus reducing the risk of bacterial infection.

Promotes iron absorption

Iron deficiency anemia

As an iron-binding protein, lactoferrin promotes iron absorption. It therefore helps combat iron-deficiency anemia, which is important for at-risk individuals such as athletes and women.


Effective against infections of the intestinal, digestive and gastrointestinal mucosa. respiratorylactoferrin has shown promising results in coronavirus infections.

We invite you to discover our article on lactoferrin and Covid where more details await you.

Its health benefits have been demonstrated in the following cases:

Helicobacter pylori infections

H.Plyori is a bacterium that can infect the stomach, causing gastritis, ulcers and, in the worst cases, stomach cancer.

Several studies, including one published in the World Journal of Gastroenrology, have revealed that bovine lactoferrin can help eliminate the bacteria and reduce infections.1

Hepatitis C

During Hepatitis C virus infection, lactoferrin supplementation demonstrated a significant reduction in patients' viral load.2

When to supplement?


Lactrim Lactoferrin

Lactoferrin supplements can be taken during viral or bacterial infections.

But as it is a real stimulant and support for the immune system, it is advisable to take it as a preventive measure. Particularly before winter, when the number of infections increases.

Lactoferrin is also recommended for anyone suffering from iron deficiency. Thanks to its transferrin properties, this type of deficiency can be remedied naturally, without the need for medication.

Read more:



Lactrim Lactoferrin Ferriprive Anemia
Lactrim - Lactoferrin - Viral and bacterial infections
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