gomme acacia

Acacia gum

What is gum acacia?

Acacia is a tree found mainly on the African continent. It is one of the most popular trees for its medicinal virtues.

This tree produces a gum. It is known as acacia gum or gum arabic.

Acacia tree

It comes from the sap of the acacia tree. This gum is water-soluble. This ingredient is used in a variety of oriental pastries.

It can be found in powder or crystal form on the market. Powdered acacia gum is off-white in color. Crystals are golden yellow.

Whatever its shade or form, gum arabic has considerable advantages. However, you can enjoy all the benefits of gum acacia provided you know how to use it.

Thanks to its many benefits, acacia gum is often found in a variety of products, including food preparations such as dietary supplements.

4 benefits of acacia gum

Acacia gum is beneficial on several levels. Which benefits?

A good source of fiber

Acacia gum is renowned for its high fiber content. Fiber-rich foods are recommended because they promote good digestion and intestinal transit.

This is why they are one of the foods recommended for slimming diets. Many people take acacia gum to improve their fiber intake.

It helps combat digestive disorders and constipation. You can take it directly in powder form. But be sure to respect the prescribed doses to avoid adverse effects. It can also be taken in capsule form.

To boost the body's defenses

When our immunity is flagging, we need to do something about it to avoid recurring illnesses. Gum acacia or gum arabic can give your immunity a boost.

Thanks to its prebiotic effects, acacia gum encourages the development of good bacteria. These play a major role in the body. They strengthen the immune system by inhibiting the growth of pathogens.

Acacia gum also has anti-inflammatory properties. You can use it, for example, to combat a sore throat.

Gum arabic

To maintain good dental hygiene

Poor oral hygiene can lead to cavities and ENT problems. Acacia gum can help keep your teeth and oral mucosa healthy.

In some African countries (Côte d'Ivoire), it is not uncommon for this gum to be used to clean teeth.

An action on fats

Excess fats are not good for the body. They encourage excess weight and expose the body to the risk of cardiovascular accidents (stroke). What can gum acacia do?

Thanks to its fibers, acacia gum promotes satiety. This prevents the need to ingest large quantities of food. With its appetite-suppressant effect, you'll see a reduction in excess weight.

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