

An ingredient found in various food supplements. Reishi has been used for thousands of years. It is best known for stimulating the body's defenses, relieving joint pain, etc. Find out more about the benefits of reishi.

What is reishi?

The benefits of reishi are well known in Asia, where it has been used for thousands of years. Several arguments are put forward by reishi users. In fact, reishi is a mushroom that is widely used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine.

Its scientific name is "Ganoderma lucidum". Herbal medicine specialists have discovered some interesting properties of this age-old mushroom. As a result, reishi can be found as an ingredient in a variety of products.

ganoderma lucidum reishi

This mushroom of longevity has a large cap. It grows to a diameter of 12 cm. But the cap can be smaller than that. The smallest mushrooms measure 6 cm in diameter. The size of the reishi does not influence its beneficial effects on the body.

It can grow wild. It sometimes grows on the ground, but mainly on decomposing tree trunks or semi-buried roots. Given its therapeutic properties, it is now cultivated to meet demand.

Discovering the benefits of reishi

After describing reishi, it's time to shed some light on its virtues. First of all, taking reishi extracts is good for your health. That's right, this mushroom is capable of stimulating the immune system. Weak defenses are known to encourage the entry of bacteria and viruses.

Yet reishi activates the production of cytokines. What is their role in the immune system? Cytokines establish communications between defense cells. A perfect immune response requires good communication.

On the other hand, taking reishi is interesting because it benefits the cardiovascular system. Cases of cardiovascular disease are on the increase. Hence the importance of taking care of this system. You can consume reishi for better prevention.

Another argument in favor of taking reishi is the elimination of toxins from the body. It also helps treat minor ailments such as colds. Some have even found it to have a beneficial effect on fatigue.

Reishi mushroom

Reishi to relieve joint pain

One of the greatest achievements of this "long-life" mushroom is its ability to soothe joint pain. In the case of arthritis or osteoarthritis, joints are put to the test. Reishi can help relieve the pain. Now's the time to use reishi to maintain your joints!

Antioxidant and anti-aging action

Used for hundreds or even thousands of years to restore health and promote longevity. Reishi mushrooms have antioxidant benefits that protect the body and help combat cellular aging.

ganoderma lucidum


Given its immune system stimulating effects. Reishi is not recommended for people with active autoimmune diseases.

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