Vitamine E

Vitamin E

All vitamins play a major role in metabolism. Each has its own role that should not be overlooked. How important is vitamin E? We have highlighted five benefits of vitamin E. Discover them now.

The benefits of vitamin E

A good antioxidant

Vitamin E is recognized as a excellent molecule antioxidant. It helps protect the body against the destructive effects of free radicals. They attack cells, leading to premature aging. This molecule effectively combats the damaging effects of oxidative stress.

It protects against AMD

Today, AMD is a frequent cause of eye disease consultations. This condition translates as: "Age-related macular degeneration" (an eye disease that causes vision loss). What is vitamin E's protective role? Here, its action consists in slowing down the evolution of this vision problem.

In addition, vitamin E combats the development of cataracts.

Vitamin E and cardiovascular disease

Vitamin E cardiovascular diseases

The term "cardiovascular disease" refers to a group of illnesses affecting the circulatory system. Vitamin E plays a role essential role in prevention of these diseases. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin E helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Modify your lifestyle. This means improving your diet. Increasing physical activity by practicing a sport suited to your situation. Not forgetting a healthy lifestyle: stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption.

What's more, vitamin E inhibits the action of bad cholesterol in the body, improving blood circulation.

Vitamin E plays a role in fertility

Vitamin E combined with selenium has a positive effect on sperm. It can improve sperm quality in certain cases of male infertility.

It appears to be a vitamin closely linked to the body's sexual function. It has a preventive action against sterility. Useful for men as well as women, vitamin E's antioxidant properties will help both mother and child to all stages of pregnancy.

Various sources of vitamin E

Vitamin E food

First of all, vitamin E is fat-soluble. In other words, it is soluble in fats. It is mainly found in oils (sunflower, olive, grapeseed, peanut, rapeseed, soy) and sunflower seeds. But also in spinach, asparagus, tomato purée and avocados. It is also present in eggs and oilseeds (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts).

All these foods should be stored away from heat to maintain their vitamin E content. In general, our diet provides the ideal proportions for the body. But it can happen that a supplement may be necessary.

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