Zinc Complément alimentaire suisse


Zinc is essential for the hair, skin and immune system. A deficiency causes disorders, fatigue, etc. What you need to know...

Zinc in food?

A healthy, balanced diet includes foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Zinc is one of the minerals essential for the body to function properly.

It is also known as a trace element. This term is used by scientists to describe a nutrient present in small quantities in the body, but necessary to the organism. It should also be pointed out that cells are incapable of producing zinc.

It therefore comes from the food we eat. Food supplements are also a source of this trace element. If you want to fill up on zinc every day, you need to choose the right foods.

Zinc food

Eat zinc-rich foods. The foods richest in zinc are animal products such as seafood (oysters), offal (liver), eggs and poultry. You'll also find it in wholegrain cereals, oilseeds and certain legumes (lentils).

Visit dietary supplements containing zinc can also be a solution.

What is the role of zinc?

Zinc has several roles in the body. First of all, zinc aids digestion.

But only if you take it in the recommended proportions. In fact, too high a dose of zinc can cause digestive problems. In some cases, this can lead to nausea. In other cases, vomiting may be the result.

In terms of cells, zinc contributes to their youthfulness. It plays a role in fighting acne. This trace element contributes to beautiful skin. In addition to skin, zinc keeps nails and hair in perfect condition.

Another benefit of zinc is its ability to strengthen the system immune system. Its ability to induce the production of white blood cells is well established. They attack pathogens responsible for a wide range of diseases.

Zinc is also useful for pregnant women, as it contributes to the optimal development of the foetus. Let's not forget its role in improving blood circulation. It is an insulin regulator.

Signs of zinc deficiency

You may be lacking in zinc. If so, how can you tell? A person suffering from zinc deficiency may experience severe fatigue. But fatigue can be a symptom of a variety of conditions. In the case of zinc deficiency, fatigue is accompanied by certain sensory disorders. For example, impaired vision or sense of smell.

On the sexual front, men may suffer from impotence. And in both sexes, zinc deficiency can lead to skin problems such as pimples and dehydrated skin.

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