La symptothermie, contraception naturelle

Symptothermia, natural contraception


Definition of symptothermia

Justine Petten: The symptothermal method is a natural family planning method. It defines the fertile and infertile periods of the female cycle based on the observation and interpretation of acombination physiological criteria: basal body temperature, cervical mucus and, if necessary, the position of the cervix.

During her podcast on symptothermal methods, Justine answers many questions:

○ How reliable is symptothermy as a means of contraception?

○ Is one application enough?

○ Should Monsieur also be interested?

Swiss symptothermy

Justine Petten is a trainer in symptothermal methods. So you can learn how to apply them simply by getting in touch with Justine!

🧠 Discover Justine Petten

Efficacy of contraceptive methods" summary table


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