L’alimentation en 4 piliers par Marine Blumenthal - Nutritionniste

The 4 pillars of nutrition by Marine Blumenthal - Nutritionist


Meet nutritionist Marine Blumenthal, who explains her approach to nutrition.

○ Why prefer a raw diet?

○ How can you eat healthily?

○ But above all, the 4 pillars of a balanced diet.

In future videos, Marine will explain in detail the importance of each pillar!

🥕 Discover Marine Blumenthal: Blum Nutrition



5 aspects that define your vision in your job?

When we talk about food, it's such a vast subject that it's sometimes difficult to know what we mean by a balanced diet.

There's one principle that applies in general to food, and that is that, in my view, it's important to eat as raw as possible.

By this I mean food that is as unprocessed as possible. When we talk about transformation, we mean, for example: if we take the large family of starchy foods, within this large family of starchy foods, we can have cereals, in their raw form, for example: barley, quinoa or millet.

But we can also have, let's say, more processed foods such as bread, pasta, spätzlis and so on.

The idea is to ensure that the food we eat is as unprocessed as possible.

I'll take the example of starchy foods again, using whole grains rather than flour-based foods.

The 4 pillars of nutrition

To keep things simple, I like to visualize a balanced diet in terms of the 4 pillars.

N°1 - Intestinal health

In these four pillars, the first is to look after the health of the intestine.

We need to take into account this key immunity organ, which is also considered our second brain, by providing it with good fiber and avoiding giving it too much sugar to prevent bad bacteria from proliferating in the intestine and preventing it from fulfilling its various roles properly.

N°2 - Glycemic index

The second fundamental point in these pillars is the glycemic index.

The glycemic index, which is the speed at which sugar enters the bloodstream, should in fact be as low as possible most of the time.

N°3 - Fats

The third important criterion for a balanced diet is fat.

In this large family of fats, there are fats of good quality and others of lesser quality.

The idea is to turn for the most part to good-quality fats, cold-pressed fats and fats often rich in omega-3.

N°4 - Enzyme vitalization

The fourth pillar is enzyme vitalization.

Enzyme vitalization is a rather vulgar term to explain the importance of eating enough fruit and vegetables, simply because in our bodies, we have a kind of worker called enzymes whose role is to break down food molecules to make them assimilable by our cells.

And these enzymes need vitamins and minerals to do their job and feed our cells.

Hence the importance of eating enough fruit and vegetables.


Beocin Irritable bowel probiotic
Beocin - Probiotic - Intestinal Microbiota Rebalancing


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