radicaux libres

Free radicals: their effects on the skin and the whole body

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Did you know that stress 🤯 and pollution 🏭 and even an unbalanced diet 🍔🍕 could increase the production of destructive molecules in your body?

We call these "free radicals» ✨and they are the main cause of premature aging aging!

In this article, you'll find everything you need to know about free radicals their origin, role and effects on health...

You'll also discover how antioxidants 🛡️, as well as others methods natural 🌿 can help you protect your body from these unwanted molecules and maintain radiant, healthy skin for longer!

Free radicals in the body: definition and function

Visit free radicals are unstable molecules produced naturally by the human body as a result of normal processes such as breathing, digestion and even physical activity.

They can also be generated by external factors such as pollution 🏭pollution smoking 🚬or excessive exposure to the sun. 🌞

pollution free radicals

These molecules unstable are the result of chemical reactions that take place in the presence of oxygenand they have the particularity of having a unpaired electron ⚛️ (single electron, not linked to another electron to form a pair), which makes them particularly reactive.

Imagine the free radicals as thieves in desperate search of an electron to pair up with to regain their stability.

This relentless quest leads them to interact with other moleculesoften to the detriment of your cells and your health!

In the body, free radicals can in fact attack healthy cells by attaching themselves to other molecules to steal that missing electron.

This "attackThis "attack" can damage cells, proteins and even DNA 🧬 leading to a "brain damage". premature aging and various health problems.



Your body continually produces free radicals, but overproduction (pollution, stress, poor diet, sun exposure...) can cause long-term damage. So it's essential to maintain a balance!

Why are free radicals so reactive?

The reactivity of free radicals comes from their unbalanced molecular structure. Put simply, every atom or molecule seeks stability, and to achieve this it needs a full pair of electrons.

Free radicals, having a unpaired electronare constantly in search of another electron to fill the gap. This makes them highly reactive and capable of rapidly attacking surrounding molecules.

When they steal an electron from a healthy molecule, they transform it into a a new free radicalcreating a chain reaction 🌀 actually harmful to your cells.

It is this process that can cause damage to your cellscontributing to aging and development of chronic diseases.

cells free radicals

Are free radicals harmful?

Visit free radicals ✨ harmful? Yes, and they play a major role in the aging processparticularly that of the skin!

Free radicals and skin aging

Visit free radicals accelerate the aging process by damaging the body's cells, a phenomenon known as "aging".oxidative stress ». 😱

When the production of free radicals exceeds the body's ability to neutralize them, these unstable, highly reactive molecules begin to attack healthy cellscausing irreversible cell damage.

This damage can manifest itself differently depending on the tissues or organs concerned. In the case of the skin, this translates into wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of elasticity... Common signs of aging!

But the effects don't stop at the skin. Oxidative stress is also linked to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseasesdiabetes, and even certain cancers. ⚠️ That's why it's crucial to understand how to reduce the impact of free radicals on your body for healthier aging.



Oxidative stress caused by free radicals is best known for its harmful effects on the skin (premature skin ageing), but in reality it accelerates the ageing of every cell in the body!

Free radicals on the skin: effects and consequences

Your skin is one of the first places where the effects of free radicals become visible. L'xposure to the sun, air pollutionand even a stressful lifestyle can increase the production of free radicals, which attack skin cells and break down collagen, the protein responsible for your skin's elasticity and firmness. 🌞🧖‍♀️ The result? From wrinkleswrinkles spots of age spotsand a loss of tone skin tone.

But that's not all: free radicals can also disrupt the skin's protective barriermaking it more sensitive to infectionsto inflammationand damage caused by by UV rays ☀️.

That's why it's essential to take care of your skin by using antioxidant-rich products and adopting healthy lifestyle habits !

How to protect against free radicals?

Free radicals are a formidable threat to your health, but fortunately your body has a natural arsenal to combat them: the antioxidants 🛡️ !

The role of antioxidants against free radicals

We often hear about antioxidantsantioxidants, substances capable of combating various forms of damage to the body. But what exactly are they?

The antioxidantsantioxidants protect the body from free radicals. They have the unique ability to donate an electron to free radicals without themselves becoming unstable 💥. In other words, they neutralize free radicals before they can cause damage.!

You'll find antioxidants in many foods, including colorful fruits and vegetables 🍓🥦 (such as berries, spinach, and carrots), as well as in foods rich in vitamins C and E, selenium and zinc.

Eat a variety of foods rich in antioxidants allows your body to maintain a healthy balance and effectively defend itself against free radicals. Don't forget that dietary diversity is the key to optimal protection!



Blueberries 🫐 Dark chocolate 🍫 and nuts 🌰 are among the foods richest in antioxidants. Incorporate them into your snacks for an anti-free radical boost!

antioxidant free radicals

Food supplements to combat free radicals

Even with a balanced diet, it can be difficult to consume enough antioxidants to counter excess free radicals, especially with our stressful modern lifestyles. This is where dietary supplements come into play!

To boost your antioxidant defences and help your body effectively fight free radical damage, fill up on :

  • Vitamin C: opt for our vitamin C-based dietary supplement with its powerful antioxidant properties.
  • Vitamin E: opt for our multivitamin dietary supplement which contains large quantities of this vitamin (as well as other vitamins such as B group vitamins...).
  • Coenzyme Q10 Thanks to our CoQ10 dietary supplement, which has strong antioxidant power, while supporting cardiovascular health and energy production (read our article on the incomparable benefits of coenzyme Q10 by clicking here).
  • Trace elements such as selenium and zinc.


Choose high-quality, natural food supplements to guarantee their effectiveness and avoid undesirable side effects! 🌱

Other ways to reduce free radicals in the body

In addition to antioxidants and dietary supplementsHealthy lifestyle habits can help reduce the production of free radicals in your body.

Here are some effective strategies for limiting the production and long-term impact of free radicals:

  • Eat a balanced diet 🍓🥦: eat more antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.
  • Exercise regularly 🚴‍♂️: moderate physical activity boosts your body's antioxidant defenses.
  • Reduce stress 🧘‍♀️: chronic stress increases the production of free radicals. So incorporate practices like yoga, meditation or deep breathing into your daily routine to relax!
  • Avoid toxins ☣️: reduce exposure to pollutants, cigarette smoke, and harsh chemicals.
  • Use sun protection 🌞 Protect your skin from UV rays, which increase the production of free radicals.

By adopting these habits, you give your body the support it needs to effectively combat free radicals and maintain your health for life!



Prolonged unprotected exposure to the sun can lead to overproduction of free radicals. Don't forget your sun cream! 🧴


Many people are unaware of the existence of free radicals or underestimate their danger, but their effects on the body are very real! These unstable molecules, produced naturally by our bodies or amplified by external factors such as stress 🤯, pollution 🏭and poor diet 🍔are real enemies of our health.

They are the main culprits of premature aging of cells and are linked to many chronic diseases. 😱

But don't worry, it's possible to combat them effectively! How? Thanks to antioxidants present in a healthy, varied diet 🌿and dietary supplements such as vitamin Cand vitamin Eand coenzyme Q10and other powerful trace elements such as seleniumyou can neutralize these free radicals and protect your body against their destructive effects. 💪

Whether through your dietadapted skin care, or the use of food supplements, you have the power to preserve your youth and health. So why wait? Start taking care of your body today by choosing the right allies against free radicals! 🌺🛡️


What are free radicals?

Free radicals are unstable molecules produced by the body during natural processes such as respiration and digestion, or by external factors such as pollution and sun exposure. They have an unpaired electron that makes them highly reactive, seeking to pair up, which can damage healthy cells.

Why are free radicals dangerous?

Free radicals can cause significant damage to cells, proteins and DNA, contributing to premature aging and the development of various chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.

How do antioxidants help fight free radicals?

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating an electron to them, preventing them from stealing electrons from other healthy molecules. This helps stop the chain of destructive reactions and protect cells from damage.

What are the best sources of antioxidants?

Colorful fruits and vegetables, such as berries, spinach and carrots, are excellent sources of antioxidants. Other sources include dark chocolate, nuts and certain dietary supplements rich in vitamins C and E, selenium and zinc.

How can I reduce the production of free radicals in my body?

You can reduce the production of free radicals by adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes an antioxidant-rich diet, regular physical activity, stress reduction and avoidance of toxins such as cigarette smoke and environmental pollutants. Using adequate sun protection to minimize UV damage is also crucial.


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