Cure détox pour l’intestin: comment libérer son système digestif des éléments toxiques?

Gut detox: how to free the digestive system from toxic elements?

As mentioned in our article dedicated to the vaginal floraour health depends to a large extent on bacteriological balance of our intestine. In fact, the colon is inhabited by billions of bacteria and enzymes and enzymes, all of which play a role not only in the digestion and transitbut also in protection against viruses and other elements harmful to our health.

For various reasons, such as dietstress or taking medication, it can happen that this intestinal flora disturbed. In such cases, followers of natural medicine recommend a detox cure for the intestines to "re-seed" the flora, allowing a more balanced renewal of bacteria.

The benefits of a detox cure for the intestine

Detoxification is an effective way to eliminate destructive toxins to which you are exposed every day and which can accumulate. Small detox cures spaced out over time can be very beneficial for your immune system

It's basically a reset of your immune system. intestinal florawhich allows you to reset the counters to zero and start afresh. on the right footing.

The health of your intestine is intimately linked to the functions of cleansing and digestion. detoxification functions of your body. A healthy intestine protects your entire digestive system, including your liver, and by extension your whole body.

Your liver acts as a filter to prevent food toxins from entering your bloodstream. It collects your blood filled with bacteria and toxins, cleans it, then sends it back out.

By keeping your liver in tip-top shape, you support its protective role as well as its function in vitamin storage, bile production and digestion of fats.

Signs of poor intestinal health

Is your system overloaded and overworked? Perhaps you're doing everything right, have adopted a healthy lifestyle and healthy, but your body may need support in order to cleanse itself and reset itself.

Your organs are constantly working to detoxify and provide your body with a healthy natural cleansingwhile processing the nutrients you ingest to supply them to the rest of your body. your body. When your organs are overloaded and overexposed to toxins (due to air pollution and ambient microbes, or simply the stress of today's lifestyle), a number of symptoms will surface.


Listen to your body and be proactive can help you avoid a host of health problems. Here are some signs that may be the consequence of a intestinal flora intestinal flora:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Constant bloating
  • Muscle pain
  • Various digestive problems

If left untreated, you could be at risk of health problems health problems. So it's important to take immediate action when these problems become too recurrent.

Medications such as antibiotics can have disastrous effects as they destroy all bacteria, both good and bad. It is therefore healthier and less dangerous to turn to natural products which, as is often the case, can solve a large part of our health problems

The no-stress detox with humic acids

Most detox cures require a period of fasting, followed by a period of rest. restrictive diet. Typical detox plans require you to limit the number of fruits, vegetables or certain liquids, and are particularly restrictive.

Following a short-term restrictive diet targets your digestive tract and allows you to cleanse and reset your kidneysliver, lungs and skin. So it's not a bad thing.

But there are other solutionsjust as natural and less difficult to implement. Thanks to Humicol and its humic acid-based active ingredient acidsyou are able to regulate your intestinal flora while continuing to eat normally (and healthy).

By adding these humic acidsyou reset your organism by providing elements essential to the proper functioning of your entire body. So, without disturbing your biorhythmhelp your body gently regenerate and restore its natural balance. natural balance.


ABBGen Humicol intestinal mucosa detoxification
Humicol - Humic Acids - Intestinal mucosa detoxification
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