Femme âgée souffrant d'une d'arthrose et rhumatismes

Harpagophytum, a plant from Namibia to relieve rheumatism, polyarthritis and joint inflammation.

Scientists are often ingenious when it comes to naming plants.

Harpagophytum probably doesn't ring a bell, but you've probably heard of it by another name, devil's claw.

Its effects have been known to certain African traditions for ages, but Europe has only relatively recently discovered the benefits of its use. anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties of devil's claw. of harpagophytum.

But since it's better late than never, let's take a look at what this plant from Africa can do for us.

An ancient natural treatment for aches and pains

Devil's claw is a plant native to South Africa and belongs to the sesame family. The plant's full scientific name is harpagophytum procumbens. It is commonly found in southern and south-eastern Namibia, southern Botswana and the Kalahari region of the Northern Cape.

The word harpagophytum comes from the Greek and means "hook plant". This is because the plant has long, bristling protuberances that are relatively dangerous and enable it to defend itself.

From secondary rootscalled tubers, grow from the main roots. It is this part of the plant that is used as a medicinal plant by the indigenous peoples of South Africa. Since the dawn of time, they have used it to relieve painsuch as arthritis and rheumatism, but also to treat digestive problems

However, its effectiveness in Europe has also been demonstrated, notably through this study double-blind study conducted in the 2000s, which concluded that devil's claw was at least as effective as the reference drug in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee and hip.

Devil's claw - Harpagophytum procumbens

Multiple fields of application

Harpagophytum's anti-inflammatory properties make it a powerful ally against a very broad spectrum of inflammations, polyarthritis and other rheumatic conditions.

In fact, the plant contains a compound known as iridoid glycosides. These have been shown to act as natural anti-inflammatory agents. Other studies have suggested a correlation between the ingestion of devil's claw and its antioxidant effects on the body.

This potentially suggests that it can protect your cells against the damaging impacts of free radicals.


Inflammation is the body's natural response to trauma in the form of injury or infection.

It is a reaction of the immune system which is necessary to help protect your body. The iridoid glycosides mentioned above make devil's claw a particularly effective anti-inflammatory.


Numerous studies have been conducted on the effects of devils claw on quality of life of people suffering from osteoarthritis.

Participants were asked to take devil's claw supplements for 8 to 12 weeks to monitor the effects.

They reported reduced pain levels and improved physical functioning. significantly improved.

Some studies suggest that devil's claw can also be used as a treatment for arthritis and gout.

Rheumatic pain

The rheumatic diseases are those affecting joints, ligaments, tendons, bones and muscles.

They often go hand in hand with natural aging of the body, but they can occur at any age and have a variety of causes.

This type of pain is generally caused by autoimmune diseaseswhere your body's immune system begins to attack itself.

Harpagophytum is known to promote suppleness and ease of movement. joint well-being. As the plant's benefits are concentrated in its roots, it is also thanks to them thatCoxadol acts against joint pain.

Men with inflammation of the back muscles.

Medication-free pain relief with Coxadol

All too often, we have the almost automatic reflex (encouraged by the pharmaceutical conglomerates' extensive advertising) to throw ourselves on chemical solutions when faced with pain of the following types rheumatic or inflammatory.

If the advice of the treating physician still prevails, why not try turning to light alternative medicines, offering natural solutions?

Coxadol is a dietary supplement composed of a blend of harpagophytum procumbens and vitamin C.

It will help relieve your chronic and persistent pain without addiction or side effects.


ABBGen Coxadol for osteoarthritis and rheumatism
Coxadol - Osteoarthritis - Osteoarticular inflammation
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