herpès labial lysine

Lysine to treat herpes naturally

The lysine is an acid amino acid involved in numerous bodily functions. In particular, it is involved in collagen productionproduction antibody formationthe carbohydrate metabolism and calcium absorption.

Possessing numerous benefits for our bodies, the lysine is mainly known for its effectiveness in the natural treatment of herpes virus infections. Find out more in this article!

What is herpes?

Herpes is commonly referred to as "herpes to refer to :

  • Either a vesicular rash on the labial region - also known as the "fever blister - caused by HSV 1 virus (Herpes simplex virus 1).
  • Either a sexually transmitted genital disease (STD) caused by HSV 2 virus (Herpes simplex virus 2).
Herpes Lysine Virus

Herpes labial or "fever blister is a vesicular eruption (presence of small vesicles containing liquid) appearing on a lip or other area around the mouth/nose.

It is a highly contagious viral infection, transmitted by simple contact. It is estimated that between 60 to 90% of the general population are carriers of the HSV 1 virus virus responsible for herpes labialis. Herpes labialis then manifests itself recurrently, particularly during periods of stress or reduced immunity.

As for genital herpesis a sexually transmitted infection which manifests itself as itchingand burning of the genitals caused by vesicular rash similar to herpes labialis.

Lysine against herpes: how effective is it?

Numerous scientific studies have focused on benefits of lysine in the treatment of herpes infections. Here are the results of some of them:

Lysine reduces the frequency of herpes labialis outbreaks

Early studies on the use of lysine in treatment of herpes labialis date back to the 1980s, notably with this double-blind clinical trial (1) carried out on a group of 65 people.

Herpes labialis man woman lysine natural treatment

At the end of the trial, there was evidence of a reduction in the frequency of herpes outbreaks in the lysine-treated group (1000 mg daily) compared with the placebo group.

In other words lysine could be used as a prophylactic treatment of herpes labialis (prevention of herpes labialis).

Lysine alleviates the symptoms of cold sores and accelerates healing.

Another study (2) (also double-blind) was carried out on 46 patients to test the effect of effects of lysine on herpes labialis.. Here too, patients in the lysine group (1000 mg 3 times daily for 6 months) showed a marked fewer HSV infections infections compared with patients in the placebo group.

This study also demonstrated a significant reduction in symptom severity and a shorter recovery time.

In summary, the results of this study show that intake of lysine helps reduce the frequency of HSV infections, reduce symptoms and accelerate recovery.

Lysine can be used as an adjunctive treatment for genital herpes

The lysine is also effective in treatment of genital herpes (due to the HSV 2 virus), particularly when used in the form of cream at topical application (directly on vesicular lesions in the genital area).

However, it is essential to first consult your GP before considering any other treatment.

Lysine: how does it work against herpes?

According to research lysine is effective in the treatment of herpes infections because it prevents the multiplication of HSV viruses by blocking the action of arginine - arginine is an amino acid essential to the growth and reproduction of these viruses.

In fact, it has been observed that when levels of lysine levels in the body exceeded those of argininethe HSV viruses stopped multiplying and herpes symptoms disappeared more rapidly.

Herpes lysine treatment

Lysine against herpes: precautions to take

When takinga lysine-based dietary supplement to prevent or treat herpes labialis, it is important toavoid consumption of foods rich in arginine (chocolate, nuts, seeds, peanuts...), because this may reduce the effectiveness of lysine.


The lysine supplementation contributes to prevention of herpes outbreaksas well as alleviating symptoms and accelerate healing.

L-Lysine - Herpes - Connective tissue
L-Lysine - Herpes - Conjunctive Tissue


Source :
  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6153847/
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3115841/
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