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Osteoarthritis in the hands: what can be done?

Osteoarthritis of the hands is a degenerative disease affecting the joints of the fingers and thumbs. It can cause pain, swelling, stiffness and deformity in these joints.

Symptoms can be numerous, and if you're wondering whether you're affected by this disease, we invite you to consult our article"What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hand? which is dedicated to these symptoms.

Opt for pain relief

Of course, osteoarthritis of the hand is characterized by mechanical pain. These include difficulty moving the finger jointaffected finger joint. Diagnosis is based on clinical examinations and X-rays of the phalanges.

Once the diagnosis has been confirmed, the therapist will prescribe treatment to relieve the symptoms. Relieving painful flare-ups allows you to live a normal life.

Painkillers can be prescribed to relieve the pain. During a painful flare-up, treatment may be based on a powerful anti-inflammatory. In some cases (osteoarthritis of the thumb, for example), surgery may be necessary.

There are also gels and ointments that can help relieve pain. Fortunately for us, before we get to that point, there are natural treatments that can relieve, reduce the inflammation and pain related osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis hand natural treatment

Natural, gentle solutions for osteoarthritis of the hands

How to relieve hand joint pain naturally?

You can turn to a plant that is renowned for its effectiveness on joint pain. It's called Harpagophytum. This plant, native to Namibia in Africa, is also known as devil's claw. It is even described as a "miracle" plant for osteoarthritis.

Harpagophytum relieves joint pain and reduces stiffness. That's why this plant is recommended for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hands. It can be used to relieve minor to moderate joint pain.

Harpagophytum can be taken as a dietary supplement. Dietary supplements containing extracts of devil's claw are available on the market.

These include Coxadola dietary supplement developed and manufactured in Switzerland to help combat osteoarthritis and rheumatism. Thanks to its high harpagoside content (the active ingredient), it helps reduce and relieve pain and inflammation in the osteo-articular sphere.

Enjoy the benefits of this well-formulated natural remedy.

Coxadol Harpagophytum Arthrosis Hand
Coxadol - Osteoarthritis - Osteoarticular inflammation


Other plants such as blackcurrant, white willow and meadowsweet have positive effects on pain caused by osteoarthritis. Boswellia serrata extracts have also proved effective against inflammation. This tree is found in the mountainous regions of India.

Good reflexes to relieve your fingers

When certain gestures become difficult to perform, it's best to adopt others. Avoid using your fingertips to grip or grasp objects. Instead, use your whole hand to hold a jug, for example.

Use lighter accessories or utensils. Opt for physical exercises that improve finger flexibility and mobility. Don't hesitate to perform gentle movements every day.

Other ways to relieve pain

It's possible to relieve pain in other ways, thanks to acupunctureacupuncture chiropracticchiropractic mesotherapyetc. Each of these alternative medicines can provide a favorable response. A few sessions are all it takes pain or stress disappear.

Acupuncture Osteoarthritis

Fasciapulsology is also indicated for relieving joint pain caused by osteoarthritis, sciatica or sprains. It is based on touch.

Coxadol Harpagophytum Osteoarthritis Hand

Coxadol - Osteoarthritis - Osteoarticular inflammation

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