Crise de foie

What to do when faced with a liver crisis?

Have you ever found yourself faced with that uncomfortable feeling of heaviness and discomfort after an overly large meal? This unpleasant feeling, commonly called a “liver crisis” , is a signal that your body is sending you!

In this article, we will help you discover the causes and signs of this discomfort, as well as practical advice for dealing with it effectively and calmly.

From adjusting your diet to incorporatingspecific food supplements , here you will discover how to soothe your digestive system and regain your well-being!

What is a liver attack?

Also called “indigestion” in popular language or “dyspepsia” in medicine, liver crisis is not, contrary to what the term suggests, a hepatic (liver) condition in itself [1].

Rather, it is a popular French expression from the 20th century which designates a set of transient digestive discomforts such as bloating , nausea , and sometimes headaches or a feeling of fatigue [2], [3].

These symptoms usually occur when your digestive system is put under strain , often after consuming fatty foods or too many foods .

In reality, the liver is not “in crisis”: it is your digestion which is struggling to manage the excess!

What are the causes of liver crisis?

The two main causes of liver crisis are often linked to your diet [3]:

  1. An excess of dishes rich in fats , spices or simply too abundant a meal which overloads the digestive system.
  2. Excessive alcohol consumption , often associated with festive meals , contributes to liver disease. Alcohol is indeed a substance that your liver must filter and eliminate, which adds additional stress to the digestive system.
large fatty meal

What are the typical symptoms of liver attack?

If you're wondering about the signs that you might be suffering from a liver attack , know that the symptoms are quite characteristic and easy to identify.

First, you may experience heaviness and a feeling of fullness after a rich meal. This is often accompanied by bloating , a discomfort that can sometimes be quite uncomfortable.

You may also experience nausea or an urge to vomit , especially if your meal was high in fat or spicy . Some might even experience headaches or a general feeling of fatigue , signs that your body is struggling to digest.

headache liver attack

It is also common to have digestive problems such as belching , heartburn or flatulence [2].

These symptoms are the result of disturbed digestion and excess gas in the digestive system .

Fortunately, these symptoms are temporary and can be managed effectively through lifestyle adjustments and taking the right remedies!

How to prevent liver crisis?

To avoid ending up with the inconvenience of a liver attack, preventive measures can be implemented in your daily life.

Here are 7 practical tips to help you maintain good digestive health and prevent possible liver attacks :

  1. Always reserve space on your plates for vegetables , fruits , lean proteins and whole grains . This will help lighten your meals and allow your digestive system to assimilate food more easily.
  2. Limit your alcohol consumption , especially during meals that are already rich.
  3. Rather than three large, difficult-to-digest meals, consider eating smaller , more frequent meals.
  4. Water aids digestion and helps flush toxins from your body. Make sure you drink enough throughout the day to better digest your meals.
  5. Chew your food well and eat slowly! In addition to helping with better digestion, it allows you to savor your meals and become aware of the quantities of food eaten.
  6. Regular physical exercise helps stimulate intestinal transit and promotes good digestive health. Move enough , at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily, in order to have more efficient digestion.
  7. Stress can affect your digestion. Practice relaxing activities like meditation, yoga or simple walks to calm down and digest better.

By following these 7 tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of suffering a liver attack and improve your overall well-being!

What to do in case of liver crisis?

If you find yourself in the middle of a liver attack , don't worry, there are several simple and effective strategies to relieve your symptoms:

Rest your digestive system to limit the symptoms of a liver attack

If liver crisis occurs, especially after large meals, it is essential to give your intestine time to rest. Avoid eating heavy foods for a few hours, or even a day (why not a short period of intermittent fasting!), if symptoms persist.

Spicy foods, fats and alcoholic drinks should be especially avoided.

Drink plenty of water and herbal teas to combat digestive problems

herbal tea water liver crisis

Drinking plenty of water is crucial, but herbal tea can be particularly beneficial.

A good herbal tea helps calm digestive disorders and digest fats more efficiently.

If you experience nausea or vomiting, ginger tea can be a great remedy!

You can also opt for lemon balm herbal tea to relieve digestive disorders, marshmallow root to calm acid reflux, or chamomile or peppermint to soothe abdominal spasms and headaches.

For bloating and intestinal gas, we recommend fennel , cardamom or anise herbal teas. You'll see, it's almost magic!

In all cases, do not hesitate to seek advice from a doctor or pharmacist to benefit from personalized advice.

Heat to relieve your abdominal pain

hot water bottle indigestion

Apply a heat source , such as a hot water bottle , under the ribs on the right side where the liver is located (right hypochondrium). It can relieve stomach aches by reducing muscle spasms in this area.

Do light physical activity after a heavy meal

A leisurely walk helps enormously to calm digestive discomfort and to promote transit in the intestines, especially in cases of irritable bowel syndrome!

In addition, getting some fresh air helps reduce nausea and soothe bloating.

Choose the right supplements!

We offer you our “Holiday Formula” , a synergy of four food supplements specially selected to support your digestion during the festive periods! Each of these supplements plays a unique role, but it is their combined action that will bring you the most benefits:

  • Betaine HCL : If you often feel heaviness after a meal, betaine HCL may benefit you. It increases stomach acid, promoting better protein digestion and helping to lighten your stomach [4], [5].
  • Heparyl (Ornithine and Magnesium) : Ornithine helps eliminate ammonia, a waste product of protein digestion, while magnesium helps relax your muscles [6], [7]. This duo can relieve cramps and abdominal pain, often felt during a liver attack.
  • Humicol (Humic Acids) : after a heavy meal, your digestive system is overloaded. Humic acids help bind and eliminate toxins, thereby reducing digestive upset [8].
  • Garcinia cambogia : This supplement is ideal for helping you control your appetite and manage your weight during the holidays. It contains hydroxycitric acid which can reduce fat synthesis in your body [9] — [13].

Together, these supplements act synergistically to optimize your digestion , help you better manage holiday excesses and prevent or minimize the symptoms of a liver attack.

They are a natural solution to help you fully enjoy these moments of joy, without the digestive discomfort!


We explored together how to recognize and manage the symptoms of liver crisis , a common inconvenience especially during the holidays, after all the hearty meals! You've learned the importance of practices like eating light , staying hydrated , and exercising to support your digestive system.

However, we know that during these festive periods, it can be difficult to always respect these best practices. That's why we offer you our Holiday Formula , a special combination of 4 food supplements — Betaine HCL , Heparyl , Humicol , and Garcinia cambogia — designed to act synergistically and offer you optimal digestive support!

These food supplements are not only a way to relieve the symptoms of a liver attack, but they play a preventive role , helping you digest better and fully enjoy the pleasures of the table without the disadvantages.

By adopting our Holiday Formula , you are taking a step towards more effective management of your digestive well-being during the periods when you are most likely to need it.

Don't wait until you feel the unpleasant symptoms of a liver attack to take action. Take the lead and order our Holiday Package now. It is your ally for healthy and comfortable digestion, allowing you to enjoy every moment of the holidays without worry!

Holiday Package
Buy now


  1. RC Heading, “Definitions of Dyspepsia” , Scand. J. Gastroenterol. , flight. 26, no sup182, p. 1-6, Jan. 1991, doi: 10.3109/00365529109109529.
  2. “Liver attack : 8 symptoms and measures to take , Tua Saúde. Accessed: January 11, 2024.
  3. M.-C. Pouchelle, “Liver crisis : a French affection ? » , Anthropol Field. Sci. Hmm. , No. 48, Art. No. 48, Feb. 2007, doi:10.4000/field.5066.
  4. D. Graefer, “Betaine Hydrochloride: 6 Benefits You Need to Know,” Gallbladder Attack. Accessed: January 7, 2024.
  5. « Betaine Hydrochloride – Health Information Library | PeaceHealth” . Accessed: January 9, 2024.
  6. H.-J. Shin, H.-S. Na, and S.-H. Do , “Magnesium and Pain” , Nutrients , vol. 12, no. 8, Art. No. 8, August 2020, doi: 10.3390/nu12082184.
  7. Q. Jiang , Hepatol. , flight. 24, no. 1, p. 9-14, Jan. 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1746.2008.05582.x.
  8. “Treat yourself with humic acids” , Vitamag - health, beauty and well-being. Accessed: January 8, 2024.
  9. RB Semwal, DK Semwal, I. Vermaak, and A. Viljoen, “A comprehensive scientific overview of Garcinia cambogia” , Fitoterapia , vol. 102, p. 134‑148, 2015.
  10. V. Badmaev, M. Majeed, and AA Conte, “Garcinia cambogia for weight loss” , Jama , vol. 282, no. 3, p. 233-235, 1999.
  11. SB Heymsfield, DB Allison, JR Vasselli, A. Pietrobelli, D. Greenfield, and C. Nunez, “Garcinia cambogia (hydroxycitric acid) as a potential antiobesity agent: a randomized controlled trial,” Jama , vol. 280, no. 18, p. 1596-1600, 1998.
  12. SL Haber, O. Awwad, A. Phillips, AE Park, and TM Pham, “Garcinia cambogia for weight loss” , Bull. Am. Soc. Hosp. Pharm. , flight. 75, no. 2, p. 17‑22, 2018.
  13. P. Fassina et al. , “The effect of Garcinia cambogia as coadjuvant in the weight loss process” , Nutr. Hosp. , flight. 32, no. 6, p. 2400‑2408, 2015.
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