Deux Sources Collagène Suisse

Two sources of Swiss collagen

Thanks to products with a high collagen content, today it's easy to enjoy the benefits of essential protein. Here's a look at two Swiss collagen sources to help you make the right choice.

Five undeniable benefits of collagen

Collagen is essential for connective tissue, bones, joints and the intestine. Here are just a few of the benefits of this protein for the human organism.

It's good for the skin

Collagen Skin benefits

The skin is a organ in the same way as the liver, lungs, heart and so on. It plays a protective role. In this sense, the skin protects the tissues internal dehydration. This organ also protects the body from external aggressions. For example, it prevents bacteria from entering the body.

It's important to note that the collagen plays a key role in your skin. It is a structural protein of the skin. Collagen promotes supple, elastic skin. When the skin's natural collagen begins to harden between the ages of 25 and 30, the dermis begins to sag. Wrinkles also start to appear.

A supply of collagen can help effective in battle fierce against sagging skin and wrinkles. Collagen also helps slow the effects of dehydration. What's more, specialists are banking on its power to regenerate epidermal tissue.

For impeccable hair

Collagen hair benefits 

What is hair? Hair is a dense network of pigmented cells. The microscope also shows the protein fibers that form the cortex. The protective layer of the cortex is the cuticle.

Collagen is a molecule naturally present in the hair fiber. This protein gives hair density and elasticity. It also contributes to hair shine.

Unfortunately, collagen loss leads to brittle, damaged hair, hair loss and more. That's why it's so important to remedy this loss of collagen to restore the beauty of your hair.

In this case, collagen supplementation is very welcome. It will be effective in regrowing your hair. A collagen supplement strengthens hair fibers. It will also nourish and build hair.

In the anti-aging field, collagen is considered a molecule that enhances both hair and skin.

Collagen for healthy joints

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the body. In fact, it's one of the main building blocks of our joints. Without collagen, joints become feverish. Collagen therefore plays a major role in our joints.

It's thanks to this protein that cartilage can function more effectively. In fact, collagen makes up almost 70% of cartilage mass. That's why joint health depends on collagen levels.

Regular intake of collagen helps to regenerate joint tissue, especially in cases of osteoarthritis. This painful condition leads to the destruction of cartilage. An intake of collagen helps reduce the symptoms of this degenerative disease. Collagen improves mobility joint mobility.

Collagen benefits bones and joints

Strong, solid bones with collagen

Bones form the skeleton. Collagen is found naturally in bones. However, the body's production of collagen declines as we age. This has a negative impact on bone and joint health. In fact, collagen plays a vital role. It promotes the binding of calcium and phosphorus. These minerals are essential for strong bones. A lack of calcium weakens bones.

You need a collagen supplement to strengthen your bones. This is the case if you suffer from osteoporosis. Certain plants can stimulate collagen production. One example is bamboo. It's a natural way of strengthening bones that are already fragile.

The benefits of collagen for the intestine

Collagen benefits intestinal wall

There are two types of intestine. These are the small intestine (small bowel) and the large intestine (colon). The intestine contains collagen. It serves to reinforce the protective barrier of the digestive tract. A fragile, unprotected intestine is vulnerable to all kinds of digestive problems. What's more, when this barrier is poorly protected, it allows pathogens to enter the bloodstream.

Food supplements: an ideal source of Swiss collagen

The first source of collagen presented here is the dietary supplement Swiss Marine Collagen. But first, let's take a brief look at how the body synthesizes collagen.

How is collagen formed?

Scientists have measured the percentage of collagen in our body's total protein mass. This measurement indicates a percentage of between 25% and 35%. This makes collagen an abundant structural protein. The collagen molecule is made up of an assembly of amino acids. Collagen synthesis is carried out by fibroblasts. These cells are found in connective tissue.

They produce collagen fibers and fundamental substances such as glycoproteins. Collagen synthesis by fibroblasts is a complex process. It involves players such as ribosomes and mRNA.

In addition, a healthy, balanced diet can contribute to collagen synthesis in connective tissue. You can also take collagen-enriched food supplements.

What is the role of a dietary supplement containing collagen?

There are a number of factors responsible for the reduction or depletion of collagen reserves in the body. Age is a major factor. Other factors include poor diet, stress, excessive sun exposure and others. And let's not forget free radicals, whose actions degrade collagen fibers.

A dietary supplement containing collagen is a good source for boosting depleted reserves. This dietary supplement boosts collagen levels when the body is struggling to produce this structural protein.

Fill up on collagen with Swiss Marine Collagen

Swiss Marine Collagen Natural Swiss marine collagen

The dietary supplement "Swiss Marine Collagen can increase the amount of collagen in your body. It contains hydrolyzed marine collagen peptides in powder form. Collagen is accompanied by several other essential ingredients. This dietary supplement also provides vitamins C and E. In the minerals category, Swiss Marine Collagen contains selenium and zinc. Vitamins and minerals help assimilate the active ingredients.

We especially like its high collagen content. Swiss Marine Collagen is particularly effective for hair, skin, bones, joints and the intestines. You can give your body to Swiss Marine Collagen without risk. This dietary supplement contains virtues capable of relieving minor joint and muscle pain. It also facilitates mobility. Swiss Marine Collagen combats wrinkles, sagging skin and skin aging.

Don't wait any longer! Treat yourself to this affordable source of Swiss collagen. It's the best way to enjoy the benefits of collagen.

Focus on bone broth: a source of collagen and nutrients

This isn't the first time we've talked about bone broth and its benefits health benefits. We all need collagen, but all too often we tend to forget about it. Bone broth is a solution for increasing collagen levels.

Why is bone broth rich in collagen?

Consuming bone broth provides your body with a healthy dose of collagen. This protein comes from bones, tendons, cartilage and ligaments. That's why bone broth is rich in collagen. Another marvel of bone broth is its ability to provide gelatin. This has an anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effect. promotes good intestinal health. According to experts, gelatin comes from the partial hydrolysis of collagen.

On the other hand, specialists are able to isolate collagen from bone. In this case, they proceed by hydrolysis to obtain collagen powder. This constitutes a collagen concentrate. There's a difference between home-made bone broth and these commercially available collagen concentrates. However, both are sources of collagen. The choice is yours!

An ideal solution for filling up on essential nutrients

It should be noted that bone broth is a gold mine of essential nutrients. What's in this liquid? It's a rich solution that provides glycine and glutamine. These amino acids are used in the composition of various molecules.

Bone broth also contains a complex of vitamins and minerals. They can make up for certain deficiencies in the body. When choosing bone broth on the market, be careful about the origin of the ingredients. Ideally, it should be made from the bones of free-range, mountain-grazed or organic beef.

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