Bouillon d'os Bienfaits Bouillon d'os

What are the benefits of bone broth?

What is bone broth?

Bone broth is a broth made by simmering bones and joints in water. Beef or chicken bones, for example.

Prepared plain, salted or spiced, it can be enjoyed as a drink or in any culinary preparation.

It's not a new food, but rather a forgotten food that our ancestors used every day. A true miracle remedy, it is filled of compounds beneficial such as collagen, glutamine, glycine, minerals, etc.

An excellent source of collagen

Collagen is a structural protein essential to the body. It gives skin its firmness. Collagen is responsible for tissue elasticity. This protein contributes to the elasticity of tendons and ligaments. So it's good for our joints. Collagen loss leads to the destruction of cartilage.

Fortunately, bone broth can provide our bodies with collagen, thus relieving the strain on our joints.

Bone broth Collagen

Bone broth: a grandmother's remedy that's still relevant today

The healing power of bone broth has long been known to our grandmothers. It can be used to treat many ailments. Bone broth also helps the body to better defend itself against external aggression. Among the illnesses treated by this grandmotherly remedy are : osteoarthritisarthritis, colds, allergies, etc.

Bone broth is also good for healthy joints. In fact, it contains a high level of collagen. Collagen is essential to the health of bones, cartilage and other connective tissues.

Our grandmothers were right to make bone broth a preferred treatment. Even today, it is used in a number of naturopathic remedies.

Relieves symptoms of osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a disease that attacks the cartilage in the joints. It causes pain and stiffness in the affected joint. Bone broth contains elements such as chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine.

They are also found in products designed to relieve osteoarthritis or joint pain. This is clear proof of the benefits of bone broth for osteoarthritis. Regular ingestion of these substances through bone broth is possible.

Bone broth: a mine of minerals

The benefits of bone broth also depend on the minerals it can provide for your body. The mineral contribution is linked to the ingredients used to prepare bone broth. Bone broth is made up of bone, marrow and connective tissue. Marrow, for example, contains essential minerals such as iron, manganese, zinc and selenium.

It is also believed to have properties antioxidant properties. In fact, it provides vitamin A. Yet vitamin A is a major antioxidant. It counteracts premature aging of the body's cells. As a result, the body is better able to resist and combat aggression and free radicals.

Bone broth preparation

Improves intestinal health

Because bone broth is rich in collagen, glutamine, glucosamine and chondroitin, it nourishes the intestinal flora with these essential elements, necessary for the proper functioning of the intestinal microbiota.

Genuine remedy remedy for health digestiveBone broth helps relieve digestive problems. dysbiosis and permeability permeability.

Bone broth to eliminate toxins

You can also consume bone broth to eliminate toxins. It's an excellent way to get rid of waste after overindulgence. In fact, bone broth reinforces the liver's action in eliminating toxins.

However, for bone broth to do all this, the ingredients need to come from a good source. Organic beef bone broth comes to mind. Make the right choice to enjoy all the benefits of bone broth.

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