Quels sont les symptômes de l'arthrose de la hanche ?

What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hip?

Osteoarthritis is a joint disease characterized by the degradation of the cartilage in your joints. This can lead to painpain stiffness and a joint swelling.

It's important to know that osteoarthritis doesn't just affect your hips. It can also affect your hands, feet, spine and knees.

In this article, we look at the symptoms that warn us of osteoarthritis of the hip.

Early degradation of cartilage

Joints are made of cartilage. Osteoarthritis of the hip occurs when the joint's cartilage deteriorates. The joint concerned here is the one located between the femur and the pelvis.

Skeleton Hip Osteoarthritis

As far as the femur is concerned, this is your thigh bone. X-rays will reveal cracking of the articular cartilage. This results in the detachment of cartilage fragments.

As a result, fragments of cartilage will fall into the joint cavity. It's important to remember that osteoarthritis of the hip, also known as coxarthrosis can be caused by disease or malformation.

Doctors have identified a variety of factors that contribute to this pathology. These include age, obesity, joint overload, etc.

Hip pain

It's the pain in particular that attracts attention and leads to consultation of a therapist. Pain does not appear suddenly. But they will gradually take hold.

Don't confuse osteoarthritis of the hip with other conditions such as osteochondritis of the hip or the common cold of the hip. When it's osteoarthritis, the pain is mainly located in the groin fold. It then radiates to the thigh.

Walking will amplify the pain of osteoarthritis of the hip. There are also upward and downward movements. For example, pain will increase as you go up or down stairs. In fact, osteoarthritis pain tends to increase with effort.

However, the pain stops when the patient is at rest. That's why you can sleep well at night without complaining of pain. There's also a inflammation of the hip joint during painful flare-ups.

Hip osteoarthritis x-ray

Stiffness in the morning

With osteoarthritis, your nights may be peaceful, since you're at rest. But when daylight arrives, it's not surprising to feel stiffness. It's worth noting that stiffness is common in the mornings.

This singular stiffness in the morning should immediately suggest osteoarthritis of the hip rather than any other joint disorder. There's another aspect to the stiffness.

It can lead to blockages. In such cases, don't hesitate to use rehabilitation exercises. The aim of these exercises is to promote better maintenance of the hip joint.

Other symptoms of osteoarthritis

In some patients, the disease can progress and cause discomfort when walking. Some people are forced to use a cane to get around. Hip rotation seems to be the most difficult movement to accomplish.

Putting on tights, for example, can be a real pain. Putting on your socks can become complicated. Swelling or cracking may occur in the joint area.

The evolution of the disease can lead to joint deformity. Certainly, you need to consult a doctor and have tests carried out so as not to confuse the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hip with arthritis.

But what are the solutions?

There are natural treatments to relieve the inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis. These natural solutions are numerous, and it would be wrong not to take advantage of them. Our article "Hip osteoarthritis, discover these natural treatments" provides tips for improving the daily lives of sufferers.

Coxadol Harpagophytum Osteoarthritis Hip
Coxadol - Osteoarthritis - Osteoarticular inflammation
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