collagène suisse


What is collagen?

Scientists classify collagen as a structural protein. It is found in both humans and animals.

Important for skin, hair, nails, joints and bones, collagen is a molecule that occurs naturally in the body. It is found in a wide range of foods.

Without collagen, skin and hair lose their beauty. That's why collagen injections are so popular these days. Collagen is a very important protein.

Production of this fibrous protein is induced by fibroblasts. It is also linked to hormones such as estrogen.

It's not just skin and hair that benefit from collagen. Collagen is also essential for joints. Unfortunately, collagen synthesis declines with age. This can lead to cartilage deterioration.

However, collagen deficiencies can be remedied to ensure healthy cartilage, skin, hair and more.

collagen benefits

What are the sources of collagen?

The foods we eat provide essential nutrients for our bodies to thrive. They are good sources of collagen.

This protein is found in cartilage, tendons and bones. That's why you can eat bone broth to optimize your collagen levels.

Choose collagen-rich foods such as kiwi fruit, avocado and red meats. Don't forget dairy products and eggs. In fact, they contain numerous amino acids capable of boosting collagen regeneration.

What are the benefits of collagen?

Collagen has many benefits for human beings. We can't list them all here. However, here are its actions on the skin and joints. Other benefits includehere.

For the skin

The skin is made up of three layers. These are the epidermis, the dermis and the adipose tissue. The dermis contains 75% collagen. It contains 25% elastin.

Elastin fibers have the power to relax and regain their shape. Collagen and elastin are essential for beautiful skin. But don't forget to give it the right care.

collagen skin

The bad news is that skin can't stay young forever. This is because collagen fibers harden and become scarce with age.


Collagen is an essential molecule for joints. It is the key to their health. It induces good elasticity in tendons and ligaments, enabling joints to function properly. Very useful in cases ofarthrosisyou can also take it as a preventive measure.

collagen joint cartilage

Fortunately, collagen is naturally present in a variety of the foods mentioned above. Collagen powder-based food supplements are also an interesting alternative.

In fact, the collagen content offered by dietary supplements supplements on the market are high, enabling better results.

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