Acide Humique tourbe

Humic Acids

What is a humic acid?

Humic acids are organic compounds found in all soils.

Humates are formed when ancient algae, plants, vegetation and fruit trees decompose over time, leaving us with a mineral-rich humic acid that has proved highly beneficial to human health.

Fulvic Peat Humic Acids organic farming

Located in humus, humic acid is a brown, viscous liquid with a high exchange capacity and is a good chelating agent. It is formed from the oxidation of plant matter and can be found in peat, coal and lignite.

 Chelating agent:A substance that has the ability to bind to minerals and heavy metals so that they can be removed from the body.


In short, humic acids are important because they help to make soil nutrients available, rather than locking them up in the soil. How do they do this?

It all comes down to oxidation, which gives humic acids a negative charge. This enables them to attract positive ions, such as calcium and iron, and bind to them in what is known as cation exchange capacity.

But don't let the name fool you! Humic acid is not actually acidic, but rather highly alkaline. This is important, because the higher the pH, the more water-soluble and therefore more bioavailable humic acid is to your body.

They are used both as a natural remedy for various health problems and as a means of increasing crop yields. They have been used for centuries.

As dietary supplements, they come in a variety of forms, including capsules and tablets.

Fluvic Peat Humic Acids

Why do we need humic acid?

Humic acid is packed with minerals that are essential for all aspects of your health. Your body needs minerals for bone development, heart health, eye health, digestive health and even mental health. Minerals also collaborate with other vitamins and enzymes to carry out important chemical reactions in the body.

When something starts to break down in your body, it can almost always be associated with a mineral deficiency.

Why can't food provide us with all the minerals we need?

Ideally, we could get all our minerals from plant foods grown in mineral-rich soil. Unfortunately, large-scale industrial agriculture uses soil-depleting methods and chemicals such as fertilizers, fungicides and pesticides, which have a negative impact on soil pH.

A hundred years ago, farmers made it a priority to maintain soil fertility by using soil improvers, i.e. conditioning the soil to keep it healthy. To do this, they put rich compost back into the soil and practiced crop rotation to let their fields rest and regenerate between harvests.

When our food production system became industrialized, it was no longer economically feasible for farmers to put nutrients back into the soil on such a large scale. (Although you can do it in your own allotment!)

As minerals decline in the food supply, health problems inevitably increase. Many heart problems are associated with deficiencies in minerals such as chromium, copper, magnesium, selenium and potassium.

Fortunately, humic acid supplementation can help fill these gaps.

The benefits of humic acids

Humic acids have been used for centuries and can be ingested orally or applied topically, offering a number of benefits to the human body. There are many products containing humic acids, such as skin care products, dietary supplements and detoxifying treatments.

Humic acids have been shown to act as a powerful antioxidant, helping to protect cells. They also help prevent the aggregation of proteins, lipids or other molecules that can cause diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

They also have the ability to bind to heavy metals such as lead and mercury, facilitating their elimination from the body.

Humic acid supplements are natural food supplements made from plant-based organic materials. They are most often used to support the immune system and detoxification.

And it's thanks to their detoxifying properties that they are particularly used during detox cures, as explained in our article on the benefits of intestinal cures.

Their anti-inflammatory properties also help prevent certain types of inflammation.

Here's a summary of the beneficial effects of humic acids:

Prevents mineral deficiencies

    A deficiency in a single mineral like magnesium is associated with dozens of ailments and can impact the thyroid, endocrine, heart and bone systems. Humic acid is packed with trace elements that contribute to the proper functioning of your body.

    Relieves colds

      If you're feeling ill, humic acid could be just the remedy you need. A 1991 study found that regular doses of humic acid and fulvic acid could help relieve cold symptoms quickly and comfortably.

      Improves digestion

        Humic and fulvic acids stimulate peristalsis (movement of the intestine), thus improving and facilitating digestion.

        Detoxifies the body

          Thanks to their ability to bind with heavy metals, humic acids will detoxify your body.

          Optimizes cancer treatment

            Fulvic acid, which is humic (or in the same family as humic acid), may be able to optimize cancer treatments. A 2016 study found that fulvic acid appears to kill cancer cells, particularly when taken with nitric oxide.

            Provides powerful electrolytes

              Forget coconut water. If you need a boost of electrolytes, humic acid is the best thing you can do for your body. In fact, one scientific report claims that "the concentration of acid functional groups in fulvic acids is significantly higher than in any other natural organic polyelectrolyte."

              Boost your immunity

                Fulvic and humic acids have several immune-boosting properties, all of which contribute to protection against viruses. One study on rats revealed that taking these acids "results in strong humoral immune stimulation". Another study went even further, finding that humic acids act together to stimulate both the humoral and cellular branches of the immune system.

                Clearing up skin problems

                  You can also use humic acid externally to help improve certain skin problems. One study analyzed skin quality by dividing participants into different groups, each using different types of soap. After eight weeks, the group using a soap containing humic acid saw a significant improvement in normal skin appearance.

                  Pain relief

                    Patients using fulvic/humic acids for other health purposes reported reduced pain and better sleep in several studies.

                    Helps athletes recharge their batteries

                      Although sweating has health benefits, active people who sweat a lot run a higher risk of losing minerals from their bodies. Humic acid supplementation is an excellent way for athletes to replenish minerals, amino acids, enzymes, phytonutrients and vitamins.

                      Improves memory

                        Supplementing with humic acid could be particularly useful for the elderly, especially when memory problems begin to appear. One study found that humic acid can help inhibit memory problems in people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, as well as improving other memory disorders.

                        How to choose a good-quality supplement?

                        Supplements are a natural way of helping your body obtain the minerals and nutrients it needs. These dietary supplements are made from humus, which is a rich soil containing many essential nutrients. Also, Humicolcontains over 75 micronutrients.

                        Humicol Humic Acid

                        The best quality of these supplements is determined by the ingredients included in them and the quality of their processing. Some of the things you should look for on the label are:

                        • Ingredients should be listed in order of quantity, with the most common ingredient listed first
                        • The product must contain no artificial colors or flavors
                        • Prefer organic products

                        Many food supplements contain humic acids. Product quality is important, as it can affect the health of the user.

                        In short, nature is well done. It offers us humic acids which, thanks to their properties, can naturally improve our health.


                        Humicol Humic Acids intestinal detoxification
                        Humicol - Humic acids - Intestinal mucosa detoxification

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