Malate Magnésium

Magnesium malate

What is magnesium malate?

Magnesium malate is a form of magnesium that is highly absorbable by the body. More precisely, it is the magnesium salt of malic acid. It provides not only the benefits of magnesium, but also those of malic acid.

What is magnesium?

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body. Our bodies need magnesium to function normally and stay healthy. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps the heart rate stable, supports a healthy immune system and strengthens bones. It is also known to be involved in energy metabolism.

Magnesium Malate

What is malic acid?

Malic acid is a natural organic acid widely present in many fruits and vegetables, such as..:

  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Bananas
  • Apricots
  • cherries
  • Peaches
  • Lychees
  • Carrots
  • Peas
  • Broccoli
  • Beans
  • Rhubarb
  • Etc

 Fact: Malic acid takes its name from the Latin word malus, meaning apple.

Apple malic acid

Malic acid is used to produce energy and aid liver function.

What are the benefits of magnesium malate?

Magnesium is necessary for cell formation and the maintenance of nerves, bones and muscles. It is found in foods such as..:

  • Wholegrain cereals (oatmeal)
  • nuts
  • Seeds (flax)
  • Tofu
  • avocados
  • Bananas
  • Dark chocolate

Elemental magnesium is difficult for the body to absorb, so we recommend numerous supplements magnesium to a salt for better absorption. Magnesium malate is one such salt combination, formed when magnesium is combined with malic acid.

Here are just some of the benefits of supplementing with magnesium malate.

Elimination of toxic metals from the body

The process of eliminating toxic metal compounds from the body is known as chelation. Aluminum is a particularly dangerous metal that has been associated with a range of neurological disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Magnesium malate binds to aluminum and other toxic metals, enabling their elimination.

Energy production

Magnesium and malic acid are both necessary for energy production at the cellular level. Without sufficient magnesium, our cells have difficulty producing energy, while malic acid helps speed up energy production. Thanks to the high bioavailability of magnesium malate, you can get these two compounds working quickly to help balance your energy production.

Muscle development

Magnesium has been shown to enhance athletic performance and improve strength in athletes. The balance between calcium and magnesium is essential for the normal contractions of your muscles. Magnesium deficiency can cause muscle-related symptoms such as weakness and cramps.

Bone health

Strong bones: Around 60% of our body's magnesium is found in our bones, giving them their strength. In case of magnesium deficiency, the body mobilizes magnesium from the bones to compensate for the lack in the rest of the body. Over time, this can lead to weakened bones and osteoporosis.

Bone health


Magnesium is important for stabilizing the nervous system, enabling us to withstand stress. Magnesium deficiency can lead to increased levels of stress, fatigue and anxiety.

Cardiovascular health

Magnesium promotes the dilation of blood vessels and helps reduce blood pressure, thus treating hypertension. Magnesium deficiency is often linked to heart disease, such as hypertension or atherosclerosis.


This neurological disorder causes a wide range of negative symptoms, such as random muscle pain, depression and fatigue. Affecting 2-3% of the population, it is discussed in article. Some studies have shown that magnesium malate has a beneficial effect on pain and fatigue levels.

What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency?

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are varied and can be difficult to identify, as they may correspond to other pathologies.

Here's a list of the most common symptoms:

  • Muscle contractions and cramps
  • Numbness
  • Anxiety, irritability, stress
  • Fatigue
  • Hypertension
  • Malaise, nausea, dizziness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Arrhythmias

When should I take magnesium malate?

Magnesium deficiency can be difficult to treat through diet. That's why some people choose to take magnesium-based dietary supplements.

Magnesium malate may be a good option. In fact, as its benefits are numerous and its bioavailability for our organism is greater than that of elemental magnesium, turning to this choice seems more judicious.

Heparyl from ABBGen Laboratories combines magnesium malate with the amino acid Ornithine. This combination improves liver function and detoxifies the body of toxic waste.

Magnesium Heparyl Malate Ornithine

Heparyl - Ornithine - Magnesium - Liver cleansing

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