Vitamins play an important role in biological mechanisms. They should not be taken lightly. An overview of B vitamins and their benefits.
There is not one, but many B vitamins
Under the name vitamin B, there are a variety of vitamins. We can call them group B vitamins. Like all vitamins, they exert important functions within the body. These include vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9 and B12.
As you can see, this is a group of 8 vitamins. Their role is essential for general health, energy production, blood metabolism, beautiful skin and hair, and more. They also contribute to the healthy development of cells and tissues.
Scientists classify them as water-soluble vitamins. This means they are soluble in water.
The benefits of B vitamins
Radiant skin and hair care
If you read cosmetics labels, you're likely to spot B vitamins. In particular, vitamins B2, B5, B6 and B8. In fact, these are the vitamins most commonly used in cosmetics.
Vitamin B2, for example, is added to products capable of regenerate the skin. A deficiency promotes abundant sebum secretion from the skin. Vitamin B5 helps combat hair loss. It is also an effective ally against skin degeneration.
Vitamin B8 is an excellent active ingredient for protecting hair against eventual loss.
Hemoglobin and red blood cells
Nutritional specialists will confirm the presence of vitamins B6, B9 and B12 in various processes. For example, they are involved in the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Red blood cells are essential for blood and respiration.
Nervous system
In addition, these vitamins and vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B12 have an important action positive effect on system nervous system system. They act to maintain its proper functioning.
Vitamins B1, B2, B5 and B6 are active in the energy production. Contributing to fatigue reductionThe consumption of this product can reduce your daily fatigue.
How to select your source of vitamin B?
You can get as many B vitamins as possible from a balanced diet. A good diet should provide your body with everything it needs.
Which foods contain them?
Many foods are excellent sources of B vitamins. So, from breakfast to dinner, you can eat foods rich in B vitamins. These include: seeds, egg yolks, wholemeal bread, poultry, etc.
Food supplements are also an interesting source of B vitamins. They can be taken as a course of treatment to make up for deficiencies. Take these vitamin B-enriched products products according to your needs.