5 mots pour la nutrition holistique avec Valérie Romanens

Holistic Nutrition in 5 words with Valérie Romanens - Hypnotherapist and Nutritionist


It's the turn of Valérie Romanens, nutritionist and hypnotherapist, to appear before our cameras.

For her first video, Valérie sums up her work in 5 words:
Health, diet, habit, balance and holism.

She then explains why she chose these words.

🍽️ Discover Valérie Romanens:https://valerie-romanens.ch


🎥 The Other interviews with Valérie Romanens and ProFeel Life :

1️⃣ How to combine hypnosis and nutrition?

2️⃣ Virtual Gastric Ring? It's possible!


Transcription :

Holistic Nutritionist in 5 words ?

Health, diet, habit, balance and holistic.

Why these five words?

My training as a holistic nutritionist advocates healthy eating. As health is an essential pillar of life, it's important to give patients more balanced eating habits, taking into account their needs and expectations.

Tailor-made support

My training as a holistic therapist takes into account the whole person, both the emotional and the social aspects - everything that makes a person unique.

The word "holistic" means "totality"; taking into account the person as a whole enables me to provide nutritional support, not just according to a symptom (bloating, gas, intestinal problems...), but really according to the difficulties the person may have in eating well.

You can occasionally enjoy a meal with friends over a glass of wine, or fast food. The rest of the time, it's essential to eat healthily, with an effective intake of micronutrients (vitamins, trace elements, minerals, etc.), as well as macronutrients (lipids, carbohydrates and proteins), all in a balanced way that will help the patient feel better, healthier.

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