What is Naturopathy? - Café Santé #9


What is naturopathy?

Welcome to the Café Santé #9 podcast.

Café Santé episodes are sponsored by ProFeel Life and aim to inform and offer insights into natural well-being and optimization.

In this episode, we explore the fundamentals of naturopathy, a natural and preventive health approach that is gaining in popularity around the world.

What is naturopathy? How is it evolving? What do naturopaths do? How can science be integrated into this holistic practice? These are just some of the questions we'll be answering in this episode of café santé.

For this open discussion, we are fortunate to welcome Éloïse Porta, a passionate and certified Swiss naturopath, qualified in Academic Medicine and Traditional European Medicine.

She explains her desire to bring a little freshness and flexibility to this sometimes stereotypical branch.

    🎧 Enjoy your listening!



    0:00 - Introduction
    1:22 - Modern Naturopathy
    5:50 - Naturopathy and the Medical Corps
    12:21 - Naturopathy and Micronutrition
    15:20 - Naturopathy and Nutrition
    19:26 - Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine
    24:12 - The place of Naturopathy
    28:40 - Naturopathy in synergy
    31:18 - Naturopathy through the seasons


    Eloïse Porta➡️ https://epnaturopathe.ch/

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