4 Astuces pour profiter au maximum des fêtes de fin d’année sans en subir les conséquences

4 Tips to make the most of the festive season without suffering the consequences

In our country, holidays Christmas and New Year, with their infectious good cheer and family reunions, are often an opportunity to indulge, and that's just as well. that way!

Unfortunately, our bodies sometimes struggle to keep up with the pace: copious meals and occasional heavy drinking make up the bulk of our diet. a physiological challenge for our organism.

We sometimes feel it, and it spoils the party...

But the good news isThere are simple, natural ways to boost your body and feel good all holiday long..

Without further ado, let's discover 4 tips to get you through the festive season with a healthy stomach!

ginger tea to limit bloating

Tip N°1: Ginger

Ginger is a perennial plant native to India with numerous health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe a bloated stomach.

It also contains chemicals that can accelerate stomach contractions to move food through the digestive tract more quickly.

Ideally consumed as a tea, in the middle of your Christmas/New Year's meal.

Tip 2: Drink plenty of water

The body uses water to digest food. The dehydration sometimes caused by long, heavy meals can interfere with this process, leading to nausea and cramps.

Alcohol also tends to dehydrate. A simple way to ensure you're getting enough water is to drink a small glass of water for each glass of wine/beer or other beverage.

This will have the double effect it calms your stomach and saves you the headaches of the next day. You will, of course, urinate a little more often, but that's a lesser evil...

Did you know?

The pancreas is an endocrine and exocrine gland. In particular, it produces the famous insulin, to manage blood sugar levels, but also enzymes, which are poured into the first part of the intestine to complete the first part of digestion, carried out by the stomach, in order to promote the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

family outing after a festive meal

Tip N°3: Stretch your legs

The digestive problems encountered during the good end-of-year meals are not just a matter of not just due to the food or drink.

We don't always realize it, but we sometimes sit in our chairs at the table for hours on end! And that doesn't make transit any easier.

Remember to break up your day with a walk of at least 30 minutes. The fresh air of this period will do you good, you'll see!

Tip N°4: Baking soda

A grandmother's remedy par excellence in the stomachache and bloating category, baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is nonetheless a very effective remedy. one of your best allies.

You can use it mixed with a glass of water to effectively soothe your stomach. Recommended dosage: half a teaspoon in a glass of hot water after a meal.

Support your liver and digestive system naturally over the holidays

As you can see, it's not no need to deprive yourself during the holidays to make the most of them. All you need to do is implement some simple, effective strategies, and your body will thank you!

Visit natural food supplements are also an excellent alternative:

Beocin contains essential lactic ferments to aid digestion.

It boosts the digestive system by providing enzyme reinforcements similar to those produced by the pancreas.

Heparylfor its part, stimulates liver secretions and relaxes the bile ducts. It helps eliminate excess ammonia caused by alcohol consumption.

Result: You benefit from improved digestion, reduced intestinal sensitivity and renewed energy, even after a heavy holiday meal!


Beocin probiotic irritable bowel rebalancing intestinal microbiota
Beocin - Probiotic - Rebalancing the intestinal microbiota


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