Vitamine C liposomale

Liposomal vitamin C

Strengthen the immune system, boost collagen production, fight free radicals... By providing the body with ideal doses of vitamin C. For this, you can rely on liposomal vitamin C.

Should I follow a course of treatment? Which dietary supplement should you choose? Answers to these questions.

What is liposomal vitamin C?

Ascorbic acid comes in many forms, and can be found in a variety of products. Liposomal vitamin C is an interesting form. Some people are still unfamiliar with it. What do we know about this element?

How do you define liposomal vitamin C?

You'll find different forms of vitamin C available on the market. These different sources of ascorbic acid can help make up for deficiencies. The natural form is when the vitamin C ingested comes from food (fruit, vegetables, herbs, etc.).

Vitamin C fruit

However, liposomal vitamin C is a nutritional supplement. It contains a high level of ascorbic acid. In other words, it's a dietary supplement in which the vitamin C is encapsulated in a liposome. Hence the name: "Liposomal vitamin C". The liposome has interesting advantagesthat make it a favorite among dietary supplement manufacturers.

What is a liposome?

It was discovered following the research of scientist Alec D. Bangham. From Cambridge University, this brilliant researcher developed it in 1960. The liposome takes the form of a lipid vesicle.

It is made up of several lipid bilayers. The liposome has the ability to conduct active ingredients.

How is liposomal vitamin C manufactured?

The manufacture of liposomal vitamin C follows a well-defined process or principle. Above all, the manufacturer opts for a quality liposome. This is essential for better assimilation of vitamin C by the body. For this reason, the design of liposomal vitamin C takes into account liposome size, encapsulation and stability.

For optimal assimilation, liposome size must be chosen within a precise range. It ranges from 100 to 300 nanometers. As for encapsulation, this is carried out using appropriate machines. Finally, liposomes must be stable and able to withstand ambient temperature.

In other words, the vitamin C molecule is encapsulated in a liposome, enabling it to be transported directly to the heart of our cells.

Why take liposomal vitamin C?

All the benefits of vitamin C have been known for years. The vitamin C available in fruit and vegetables is often altered by heat or light. Liposomal vitamin C should be considered for these reasons.

For good assimilation

Why is liposomal vitamin C better assimilated? Its ability to be assimilated is mainly due to the nature of the liposome. In fact, unlike regular vitamin C, this form does not dilute in the bloodstream.

It therefore escapes renal activity, whose role is to filter the blood. There is therefore no urinary elimination of the vitamin. Otherwise, only a small quantity tends to be evacuated in the urine.

Two considerable advantages: better intestinal assimilation and optimal cellular uptake. The liposomal form delivers large quantities of vitamin C to the body. What's more, liposomes do not inhibit the action of ascorbic acid.

Human vitamin C cell

For gradual distribution

Another interesting feature of liposomes is their ability to induce progressive diffusion. This means that vitamin C will be produced progressively in the body.

Under these conditions, cells will receive ascorbic acid continuously. This is of considerable benefit to collagen formation and iron absorption.

The whole body benefits the benefits of abundant collagen in connective tissue, bones, joints, etc.

Start your liposomal vitamin C cure

A well-formulated dietary supplement should not be taken lightly. But how do you find the right formulation? Here's some advice.

Who needs more ascorbic acid?

If you want highly assimilable ascorbic acid, then liposomal vitamin C is a good choice. This applies to you if you need a high level of vitamin C.

You should also be aware that vitamin C requirements are increased by intense physical activity or excess cholesterol. More ascorbic acid is also recommended for people suffering from infections or undergoing anti-cancer treatment. Remember to take vitamin C if you live in a polluted area. It helps the body eliminate heavy metals.

Vitamin C fat supplement

How to recognize a quality liposomal vitamin C?

Certainly, not all dietary supplements on the market are of good quality. You need to be able to distinguish between them. Choose products with real efficacy. Here are a few tips to help you find your way through the plethora of liposomal vitamin C.

Choose a high-performance liposomal vitamin C

It's vitamin C that supports our immune system and fights the damaging effects of free radicals. Some deficient organisms require highly assimilable vitamin C. The dietary supplement LIPÓ-C dietary supplement can help maintain higher vitamin C levels.

It has been designed to provide an optimal overall supply of liposomal vitamin C to boost immune defenses and combat oxidative stress. It provides 500 mg of vitamin C per serving.

To optimize the efficacy of LIPÓ-C dietary supplement, rely on a varied, healthy and balanced diet. Simply swallow 1 capsule a day to satisfy your daily ascorbic acid requirements.

So make the most of it!

LIPO-C Liposomal vitamin C

LIPÓ-C Liposomal Vitamin C


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