The skeleton of the human body is made up of 206 bones connected to one another by approximately 360 joints. Each of these joints can be the site of a variety of pathologies, which are expressed, among other things, by pain joint pain or "arthralgias.
Discover some of the best remedies remedies for relieve joint pain.

What is a joint?
A joint can be defined as a junction between two bone ends.
The joints of the human body can be classified into three categories according to their degree of mobility:
- Movable joints or "diarthrosis" : they allow great freedom of movement in several planes of space.
Ex: shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle.
- Semi-mobile joints or "amphiarthrosis": they allow only a few degrees of movement.
Ex: joints between vertebrae (via intervertebral discs), symphysis pubis.
- Immobile joints or "Synarthrosis": these are "fixed" fibrous joints that allow (virtually) no movement.
Example: cranial sutures (fibrous joints between the bones of the skull).
To better understand joint pain, it's important to know a few things about it. basic notions of anatomy. Here are the different anatomical structures that make up a joint (let's take the example of a mobile joint such as the knee):

- Two bony ends : in our example, the knee, the bone ends concerned are those of the femur and tibia (femorotibial joint).
- Joint surfaces: they are covered by articular cartilage which reduces friction between the two bone ends during movement.
- The joint capsule : This is a highly resistant fibrous membrane that surrounds the entire joint.
- Synovial cavity : this is a virtual space, delimited by the joint capsule, containing a viscous liquid called "synovium or "synovial fluid".
- The synovial membrane : it's a membrane richly vascularized membrane and innervated which lines the inner wall of the joint capsule. Its role is to produce synovial fluida fluid that lubricates the joint, facilitating gliding between joint surfaces.
- Ligaments : these are highly resistant fibrous structures that unite two or more bony elements forming the joint.
- Muscles and tendons: they contribute to the stability of the joint by connecting the two bony ends, and give mobility to the different segments of the body.
What types of joint pain are there?
The joint pain can be classified according to a number of criteria, including mode of onset (sudden or progressive), evolution over time (acute, sub-acute or chronic), mechanism causing the pain...
Here are the main types of joint pain according to their origin:
Traumatic pain
These are caused by fallsfalls direct or indirect impact... These injuries are usually the result of traffic accidents, road accidents, accidents at work, domestic accidents, sporting accidents...
Traumatic joint pain may be linked to one of the following pathologies:
- Fracture : injury to one or more bone segments forming the joint.
- Sprain : elongation, partial or total rupture of one or more ligaments forming the joint.
- Muscular injury or tendon (elongation, partial or total rupture, tear, contusion, etc.).

Inflammatory pain
These are due to an abnormally high inflammatory reaction affecting one or more joint structures, such as :
- A tendon : tendonitis ;
- Cartilage :osteoarthritis ;
- Serous bursa : bursitis ;
- Joint capsule : capsulitis ;
- Synovial membrane : synovitis…
It is important to note that these joint inflammations can occur in a variety of contexts, particularly in the case of infectionafter a false movementthe practice of repetitive gestures…

Pain of immunological origin
These pains are caused by autoimmune reactions against one or more anatomical structures in the joint. In other words, the malfunctioning immune system produces "autoantibodies which attack its own cells (self cells).
This type of joint pain can be observed in many autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Metabolic pain
The best example of metabolic joint pain is "gouta condition characterized by excess of uric acid in the blood, forming crystals in the joints. The disease generally begins in the big toe joints, with unbearable painpain swelling and redness.

Pain of infectious origin
Like any other part of the body, the various components of the joints can be the site of bacterial infections, viral or parasitic. These infections generally manifest themselves as pain joint pain and fever.

What influence does diet have on joint pain?
In addition to appropriate treatment, the vast majority of illnesses require the adoption of a balanced diet. healthy lifestyle combining a diet and diversified diet to a regular physical activityto increase the chances of clinical improvement.
As a general rule, in the case of joint pain, it is recommended to adopt an active lifestyle. anti-inflammatory diet.
Here are the foods to avoid and those to favor to combat arthralgia over the long term:
Foods to avoid
- All foods processed and ultra-processed foods which are generally very rich in refined sugar, preservatives and other additives harmful to the health of joints and the body in general (soft drinks, sweets, cookies, potato chips...).
- Visit alcoholic beverages which dramatically increase inflammatory phenomena throughout the body, even when consumed in moderation.
- Visit foods cooked at high temperaturesThis type of cooking promotes the release of pro-inflammatory substances.
- Visit acidic foods such as red meats, deli meats, sugary products (refined sugar), coffee... These foods raise the pH level in the blood and promote inflammatory reactions in the body (particularly in the joints).
Preferred foods
- Visit fruit and vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, parsley, garlic, celery, peppers, zucchinis, apples, blueberries, peaches... Always include fruit and vegetables in your diet, as they provide a good quantity of vitamins and minerals. vitamins and antioxidant substances that fight inflammation and oxidative stress (neutralizing free radicals).
- The sources of omega 3 : fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, trout, sardines, etc.), cod liver oil, egg yolk, rapeseed oil, etc. Regular consumption of these foods helps balance the omega-3/omega-6 ratio and combat inflammation in the body.
- Visit protein sourcesProtein: white meat (chicken breast, turkey, etc.), eggs, wholegrain cereals, lentils, chickpeas, etc. It's important to eat enough protein every day to supply the body with the amino acids it needs to produce collagen (collagen is a ubiquitous protein that gives strength and elasticity to many joint structures).
Alongside a balanced and varied diet, it is important to drink plenty of water every day (at least 1.5 to 2 liters a day) to combat joint pain.
This is because synovial joints are largely composed of water. A proper hydration is therefore essential for their lubrication and prevent rubbing, which can lead to inflammation and pain.
What food supplements should I take to relieve joint pain?
Harpagophytumalso known as "grappling plant or « devil's claw »is a plant native to the desert regions of South Africa known for its many health benefits, particularly effective in the treatment of osteoarticular pain.

This plant contains an active ingredient called "harpagoside which has therapeutic properties anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antirheumatic highly effective in combating certain painful osteoarticular pathologies such as osteoarthritisarthritis polyarthritispolyarthritis tendonitistendinitis bursitis and low back pain.
For maximum benefits, we recommend taking this plant in the form of dietary supplement in galenic forms that protect its active ingredient (harpagoside) from gastric acidity.
If you suffer from arthrosiswhether in its early stages or chronically, a rheumatic disease such as arthritis or tendonitisopt for Coxadol dietary supplementextract-based dietary supplement extract.
Thanks to its high concentration of harpagosideCoxadol effectively and sustainably reduces inflammatory reactions and joint pain.
The turmericalso known as "turmericis a herbaceous perennial native to India. Its rhizomes (outgrowths at the roots) contain an active ingredient called "curcumin. Among other things, it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

For centuries, the therapeutic virtues of turmeric have been exploited in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine to treat a variety of pathologies, including those of the sphere osteoarticular.
Regular consumption of this ancient spice can be very effective for fight joint inflammation and relieve pain related to pathologies such as :
- Cervicarthrosis (osteoarthritis of the cervical spine);
- Gonarthrosis (osteoarthritis of the knees);
- Rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases affecting the joints.
To relieve your joint pain with turmeric, don't hesitate to use it on a daily basis, particularly as a spice to spice up your dishes.
You can also take it in the form of dietary supplement for a bioavailabilityand therefore greater effectiveness against joint pain.
Visit collagen is a protein which is used in the manufacture of many of our body's tissues, in particular the skinthe cartilagecartilage musclesthe tendonsthe ligaments…
As we age, our body produces less and less collagen. The skin begins to lose its elasticity, becomes less firm and the first fine lines appear. In the joints, cartilage becomes more vulnerable and fragile, and begins to wear down.
This wear and tear of weakened cartilage (lacking collagen) exposes it to the risk of osteoarthritis expressed mainly as chronic joint pain.
Visit lack of collagen is also a source of fragile bones, ligaments and tendons. They are therefore more susceptible to injury or painful pathology.
For strengthen articular cartilage and protect your joints from osteoarthritis and injury, it may be a good idea to take a collagen-based dietary supplement.

Joint pain: grandmother's remedies to relieve it
In general joint pain are part of an ongoing pathology chronic (osteoarthritis, arthritis...). So they're there for the long haul! Hence the importance of comprehensive medical care of the pathology in question.
To avoid overuse of analgesic and anti-inflammatory treatments, which are the source of many side effects, it is possible to use 100% natural grandmother's remedies that are just as effective as certain medications for joint pain! Here are just a few of them:
Hot/cold application
Although many scientific studies have been carried out to determine whether to use cold or hot to relieve osteoarticular pain, there is as yet no consensus. Generally speaking, however, it is recommended to apply cold when faced with inflammatory joint pain.
For example, when acute phase of trauma (characterized by a strong inflammatory reaction) or of inflammatory flare-ups of a chronic pathology (arthritis flare-ups, for example), we recommend applying ice wrapped in a towel directly on the painful joint for around 15 minutes 3 or 4 times a day (or more if pain persists) to relieve inflammation and relieve pain.
On the other hand, in case of non-inflammatory painpain, we recommend the use of heat through a hot-water bottle. This helps to relieve painful muscle tension.
Also, each person reacts differently the same type of joint pain may be soothed by cold for one person, by heat for another... So it's up to you to find the right carry out tests to determine which method will work best for you!
Plants for painful joints

To relieve aching joints, here are a few plants to help 7 plants with soothing properties to be taken regularly as herbal teas or decoctions:
- Ginger : has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that are effective against many types of pain, and is particularly recommended for arthritis and osteoarthritis.
- Meadowsweet : a real plant-based aspirin! Very useful for arthralgia due to rheumatism or osteoarthritis.
- Turmeric : powerful natural anti-inflammatory.
- White willow : recommended to relieve joint pain of rheumatic or arthritic origin.
- Blackcurrant leaves : In addition to promoting venous circulation, blackcurrant leaves and fruit are commonly used to relieve joint pain associated with osteoarthritis.
- Ash : Ash tree leaves and buds help alleviate joint pain associated with rheumatism, thanks to their powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
- Nettle : has effective anti-inflammatory properties for certain joint pains.
Caution, it is recommended to consult your GP before starting any herbal treatment, to ensure there are no contraindications and to avoid any risk of drug interaction.
Soothing essential oils

To relieve many types of arthralgia, certain essential oils with soothing properties can be extremely effective. Simply dilute a few drops in a small quantity of vegetable oil (sweet almond or olive oil, for example) and apply to the skin. gentle, prolonged massages of the painful joint(s) to help the various active ingredients penetrate.
See 7 essential oils for joint pain:
- Lemon eucalyptus : this essential oil soothes rheumatic joint pain and, as an added bonus, promotes good quality sleep - since sleep is generally disturbed by arthralgia (particularly inflammatory pain that flares up at night).
- Peppermint: has a soothing action in cases of joint and muscle painand rheumatism, arthritis and polyarthritis thanks to its active ingredients with cooling, anti-inflammatory and anaesthetic properties.
- Wintergreen : essential oil of wintergreen is particularly useful for soothing joints and muscles after a workout. intense physical effort. It is widely used by top athletes.
- Clove : Clove essential oil is excellent for inflammatory pain, such as arthritis, osteoarthritis and other rheumatoid arthritis.
- Clary sage : soothes inflammatory joint and muscle pain, particularly recommended in cases of rheumatoid arthritis.
- Noble laurel : relieves many types of arthralgia thanks to its analgesic virtues and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also effective against pain associated with herniated lumbar discs (sciatica).
- Lavandin super : traditionally used for its antispasmodic and muscle-relaxing properties, the essential oil of this plant from France is also recommended for soothing joint pain of inflammatory origin. What's more, thanks to its sedative properties and anti-stressIt significantly improves sleep and psychological well-being.
Please note, essential oils are highly concentrated substances and must be used with care. It is strongly recommended to be supervised by a physiciana aromatherapist or other qualified professional to avoid any health risk.
Joint pain: technical devices to relieve pain and improve mobility
In the event of arthralgia, it is generally tempting to remain bedridden, to avoid any movement likely to awaken or aggravate the pain. This attitude is strongly discouraged, however, as it encourages the development of joint stiffness and leads to loss of muscle tone.
It is therefore recommended to maintain a light level of physical activityas long as it is adapted to your physical condition. This can be achieved with the help of technical devices that support the pathological joint during movement, such as :
- A orthesisKnee brace, ankle brace, hand splint, lumbar corset to support the lower back, wrist splint...
- A cane for joint pain in the leg.
- A walker for the elderly...

Please note, it is not recommended to "get used to" wearing orthotics. (knee brace, lumbar corset, etc.). The use of these should be temporaryonly in cases of intense pain, or during physical activity that may reawaken arthralgia.