Que manger en cas de diarrhée

What should I eat if I have diarrhoea?

What to eat in case of diarrhea in adults?

Good nutrition is very important for the proper functioning of the human body. But sometimes, after eating certain foods, the digestive system can go wrong. This can lead to diarrhea.

When this happens, you don't know what to eat to feel good. If this is you and you don't know what to eat when it happens, then read this article, it's written for you.

What to do in case of diarrhoea?

Having diarrhea is very unpleasant. You feel weak and your stomach is permanently empty. What's more, you're afraid to eat for fear it will mean another trip to the toilet.

However, this should be avoided, as an empty stomach is not advisable when you have diarrhea. You need to eat in small quantities, according to your hunger. The most important thing is to know what to eat and what to avoid.

What are the best foods to eat when you have diarrhea?

There are many foods we consume on a daily basis. But when you're going through a bout of diarrhoea, you need to know which foods are important for a speedy recovery.

As explained in our article "What diet for a healthy microbiota", diet plays a major role in our intestinal health. We must therefore take the utmost care of it.

Healthy food for diarrhea


When you have diarrhea, it's a good idea to eat vegetables. Preferably, they should be cooked and contain a small amount of fiber. You can opt for carrots, beet, zucchini, green beans and so on.

Starchy foods

Starchy foods can also be eaten during diarrhea. But they must be refined and low in fiber. They will provide the body with the carbohydrates it needs. You can eat semolina, white rice, white bread, pasta, potatoes and sweet potatoes.


Fruit is very important when you're going through bouts of diarrhea. They help fill up on vitamins. Be careful, however, as not all fruit is suitable for this situation. Bananas, apples and pears are preferable. You can also choose cooked or stewed fruit.

Meat and fish

You need to think about gradually adding certain foods back into your diet. When it comes to meat and fish, it's best to start with white meats. Think veal, poultry and rabbit. Eggs are also recommended. As for fish, you can eat them all, although leaner fish are more suitable.

Dairy products

Not all dairy products are recommended when you have diarrhea. They could make your condition worse. However, you can opt for certain dairy products, such as plain yoghurt, white cheese or hard cheese.


We can't stress this enough, but diarrhea is a powerful dehydrator. It also eliminates many mineral salts from the body. So it's important to rehydrate. To do this, you need to drink plenty of water, fruit juices and herbal teas. You can also drink salt-containing beverages and broths. The latter will enable you to replenish your mineral salts.

Stress-related diarrhea: what to do?

Women Stress Diarrhea

Learning to cope with stress

Stress or emotional shock can cause diarrhea. In this case, it's important to remember that the diarrhea is short-lived. You can tackle the cause of the problem head-on. In this way, you can learn to manage your stress and put an end to diarrhea in every stressful situation. Fortunately, there are effective ways of coping with even the most stressful situations.

Meditation, for example, is a discipline that helps limit the effects of stress. Of course, relaxation helps to calm you down when you're overwhelmed by stress. Don't hesitate to try oriental techniques such as: yoga, tai chi, qi-gong, etc.

Another stress-busting alternative is to take up an artistic activity. Specialists say that art is both soothing and pleasurable. Writing, music, drawing... These are just some of the activities touted as an excellent diversion. You can also take up sport to get rid of excess.

Use alternative medicine

Alternative medicines can help overcome stress-related diarrhea. First of all, you can rely on phytotherapy. Plants have always been used to treat illnesses. However, you need to use them wisely to reap the full benefits. Drink bramble tea, for example. (see this recipe) Or a drink like blackcurrant juice.

On the other hand, food supplements abound on the market. Focus on those that can calm the negative effects of stress on the intestines. In fact, stress disrupts the proper functioning of the digestive system. Turn to natural food supplements such as probiotics like Beocin Forte or humic acids such as Humicol from ABBGen laboratories.

Combining these two supplements will help you detoxify your intestine, soothe pain and bloating and rebalance your digestive system with good probiotics.


Humicol Humic Acid Diarrhea
Humicol - Humic Acids - Intestinal mucosa detoxification


Good reflexes in case of crisis

Certainly, there are tricks you can use to help relieve stress and anxiety. Remember to breathe deeply when stress or crisis strikes. Take a break for a few minutes. Do a simple exercise sitting with your eyes closed. Keep your back straight. Inhale deeply and gently. Then breathe out very slowly. Keep your breathing at a steady pace.

Seek medical help

If diarrhea persists, you should consult a doctor. If diarrhea makes life impossible, i.e. if it causes pain that is difficult to bear. An appropriate treatment can be prescribed by the doctor to slow down the watery stools. But the cause of the diarrhoea must be tackled. That's why it's a good idea to see a specialist who can help you manage your stress.

Don't forget to select your foods carefully. Avoid all foods likely to cause digestive problems or even diarrhea. Eat dietary fibers to aid digestion.

How to stop diarrhoea quickly?

There are many ways to stop diarrhoea quickly. Although benign, this digestive disorder is particularly annoying.

How to stop diarrhea quickly

Oregano essential oil

Oregano essential oil is a highly effective remedy for stopping diarrhea quickly. An anti-infective, this slightly thick substance acts like an antibiotic in the body. The advantage of this oil is that it has no side effects on intestinal flora.

Activated vegetable charcoal

Activated vegetable charcoal is widely known for its natural depurative virtues. Its properties purify the intestine and restore transit. In fact, it's the ideal remedy for digestive disorders caused by bad bacteria. Treatment can lead to constipation. For this reason, we recommend that you spread your intake of activated vegetable charcoal over the course of the day, rather than taking it all at once.

Blond psyllium

Here's a 100% organic remedy for stopping diarrhea fast. Its source is a plant from India called psyllium teguments. The product comes in capsule, powder or fiber form.

Once in the body, psyllium blond regulates intestinal function. When diarrhea occurs, the intestines are full of water. Thanks to its properties, psyllium absorbs the excess water. The digestive functions of the intestine return to normal, and stools return to a solid state. For treatment, mix 3 tablespoons of blond psyllium powder in a large glass of water and drink.

Basil essential oil

Oral treatments to stop diarrhea quickly are not to every woman's taste. Fortunately, there's still a remedy for this category that differs in terms of how it's taken, but also delivers the desired effects: basil essential oil. Some digestive disorders are linked to stress rather than poor diet. In such cases, this oil is the remedy you need. With its digestive, anticonvulsant and anti-stress properties, it's an effective remedy for your ailment.

Apply the oil to your belly with massage-like movements in the direction of digestion, i.e. clockwise. 5-minute belly massage in the evening before resting. For dosage, 2 drops of this oil are more than enough. You can also mix it with ten drops of the vegetable oil of your choice.

Lemon juice

Here's a quick and effective grandmother's remedy to stop diarrhea: a glass of hot water with lemon juice. This tried-and-tested remedy not only stops diarrhea, but also relieves the stomach aches synonymous with digestive problems. Drink this beverage until the symptoms stop, adding a little honey if possible. This mixture makes the beverage more accessible, as it reduces its acidity.

White clay

If you suffer from traveler's diarrhea, it can be very unpleasant, particularly because of the nausea and vomiting that accompany it. Simply mix a teaspoon of white clay in a glass of water. Once in the body, the clay neutralizes the bacteria, parasites and viruses responsible for the digestive disorder. Continue the treatment until all symptoms of diarrhea have disappeared.


Beocin probiotic irritable bowel rebalancing intestinal microbiota
Beocin - Probiotic - Rebalancing the intestinal microbiota


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