Vignette Anneau Gastrique Virtuel avec Valérie Romanens

Virtual Gastric Ring with Valérie Romanens - Hypnotherapist and Nutritionist


Meet Valérie Romanens, nutritionist and hypnotherapist.

A virtual gastric band installed thanks to hypnosis? Yes, but how? And under what conditions? Valérie tells us all about it!

🍽️ Discover Valérie Romanens:


🎥 Les Other interviews with Valérie Romanens and ProFeel Life :

1️⃣ Holistic Nutrition in 5 words.

2️⃣ How to combine Hypnosis and Nutrition?


Transcription :

Is it possible to lose weight with a virtual gastric band?

Yes, as long as you're motivated, willing to understand and learn about nutrition, and deeply question your eating habits. This therapeutic strategy takes time, especially as you'll need to work on your emotional state, and that's where hypnosis proves extremely useful and effective.

It will enable us to find the root causes of the behavioral disorder and modify certain eating habits. Hypnosis and nutritherapy are the two tools that will enable us to improve our patients' health.

What's the difference with bypass or other bariatric surgery?

With virtual gastric banding, weight loss is much less spectacular than with surgery. In fact, the aim is to provide patients with the essential tools (emotional work, long-term eating habits, etc.) for a gentle weight loss that is as gentle on the body as possible, and as long-lasting as possible.

Unlike surgery, the skin will not suddenly relax (which often requires additional cosmetic surgery), and the body will not suffer from deficiencies and absorption problems.

The therapeutic strategy I propose, on the other hand, requires a great deal more time and personal commitment; it will shake up daily practices, but may enable us to better manage our eating urges. What's more, hypnosis will help to restore restful sleep and an improved emotional state, which are essential for effective, healthy, long-term weight loss.

Installation of a virtual gastric band

This consists of two hypnosis appointments, during which we simulate the pre-op appointment first, and then the actual operation the following day. Likewise, patients will have to arrive on an empty stomach. Under hypnosis, I'll invite patients into the operating room to undergo the procedure...

They will then have to consciously manage their food intake using the methods discussed in the preparatory sessions (hypnosis and nutrition). In this way, they can slowly and sustainably return to a healthy weight, in better physical and mental health.


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