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How to cure a cold naturally and quickly?

Winter is here, and with it, cold season... You know these unpleasant symptoms well: blocked nose, persistent cough, sore throat, and sometimes even fever.

At times like this, our first instinct is often to turn to traditional medications. However, there are other solutions, gentler, more natural, sometimes more effective, to treat a cold.

Medicinal plants, essential oils, food supplements… These natural remedies, often underestimated, are treasures for boosting your immune system and helping you quickly overcome cold symptoms!

In this article, we invite you to discover how to treat a cold naturally, without resorting to aggressive treatments for your body.

Understanding the common cold and its symptoms

What is a cold?

Before moving on to the different effective natural treatments for colds, it is essential to understand what we are talking about.

The common cold , not to be confused with the flu or nasopharyngitis, is in reality a mild but annoying infection of the nose and throat of viral origin .

Caused primarily by the rhinovirus , the common cold is contagious and usually occurs during cold periods, but can occur at any time of the year (1).

Unlike other more serious respiratory infections, the common cold is not often accompanied by high fever or severe fatigue (unless there are complications) , allowing those affected to continue their daily activities, although less comfortably. .

sneezing cold

Identifying Cold Symptoms

Cold symptoms are easily recognizable and may vary slightly from person to person. The most common include:

  • Runny nose ,
  • Nasal congestion,
  • Cough (dry at first, then fatty),
  • Sore throat (aroused or aggravated when swallowing),
  • Sneezing,
  • General malaise,
  • Fatigue ,
  • Mild headaches.

Although these symptoms are typically mild, they can be uncomfortable and disrupt your daily routine . Fortunately, there are many natural approaches to relieving various cold symptoms and speeding up the healing process!

How to cure a cold quickly and naturally?

To treat a cold, antibiotic treatments are not indicated (since the cold is a viral infection). There is simply no specific treatment...

Classic antipyretics and analgesics are generally used to improve the patient's comfort while waiting for spontaneous recovery. There are also some medications sold without a prescription that provide some relief, but these can sometimes cause dramatic side effects!

So how can you quickly treat a cold?

Thanks to natural solutions!

Essential oils: Inhaled, diffused or massaged to treat colds naturally

Cold essential oil

Essential oils are powerful concentrates extracted from plants, known for their therapeutic properties.

In case of a cold, to help you combat its inconveniences, we have selected 5 particularly effective essential oils for you:

  1. Eucalyptus essential oil : known for its antiviral, antibacterial and decongestant properties, this EO is perfect for effectively relieving a cold. Put a few drops in a diffuser to purify the air and clear your airways. You can also add 2-3 drops to a bowl of hot water for inhalation (fumigation with eucalyptus essential oil ), or apply it diluted to the chest and back.
  2. Peppermint essential oil : refreshing and decongestant, this HE will help you breathe better. To do this, add a few drops to a diffuser to help clear a blocked nose and thin nasal secretions. Inhaling steam with this oil can also relieve a runny nose.
  3. Tea tree essential oil : its antiseptic, antiviral, and antibacterial properties can be effective against various infections, including colds. This HE is ideal for diffusion to purify the air or for skin application (after dilution in a vegetable oil) to strengthen immunity.
  4. Lavender essential oil : soothing and anti-inflammatory, Lavender EO is perfect for relaxation and stress relief, which can be beneficial when you have a cold. Use as a diffusion or massage (diluted) to treat your cold.
  5. Scots Pine essential oil : effective in inhalation to clear the respiratory tract thanks to its expectorant and decongestant properties. You can also add a few drops to your bath water to exploit its virtues and improve your breathing.

Be careful, however, to always use these essential oils diluted and to check for any contraindications, especially in children and pregnant women.

Medicinal plants: Your natural remedies for colds!

cold medicinal plant

When the first chills of a cold take hold of you, it's time to turn to the treasures that nature offers us.

Did you know that certain plants, available in your garden or kitchen, can be excellent allies in the fight against colds?

Not only are these medicinal plants easy to use, but they have therapeutic properties that have been proven for centuries!

In the following lines, discover how thyme, ginger, echinacea, and other plants can help you naturally relieve colds.

  • Thyme (antibacterial and antiviral) to relieve respiratory tract infections

Thyme is one of the best-known grandmother's remedies to effectively combat colds .

You can make herbal tea by steeping a few sprigs of fresh thyme or a teaspoon of dried thyme in boiling water. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes, then filter. You can add honey to sweeten the taste and benefit from its soothing properties.

  • Ginger (anti-inflammatory and antioxidant) to relieve sore throats.

Prepare an infusion by grating a small piece of fresh ginger into boiling water. Leave to infuse for a few minutes, add a little honey and lemon to enhance the effect and improve the taste.

  • Echinacea (immunostimulant) to prevent and reduce the duration of colds.

Echinacea is often available as capsules , tinctures , or teas . Follow the manufacturer's instructions for dosing.

Start taking it at the first signs of a cold to maximize its effectiveness.

  • Black elderberry (antiviral and anti-inflammatory) to reduce cold and flu symptoms.

Black elderberry can be consumed in the form of syrup , often available in health food stores. You can also make herbal tea by infusing dried elderflowers in boiling water.

  • Chamomile (soothing and anti-inflammatory) to relax and sleep better

Steep dried chamomile flowers in hot water for about 5 minutes. It's a great before-bed drink to soothe symptoms and promote restful sleep.

  • Peppermint (decongestant and soothing) to breathe better and soothe your throat.

An infusion of peppermint leaves is ideal for relieving nasal congestion and unblocking your nose. Breathe in the vapors while you drink to maximize the decongestant effect.

  • Marshmallow (emollient and softening properties) to soothe sore throats and relieve dry coughs.

To benefit from its benefits, you can prepare an infusion of marshmallow root . Steep about 5 grams of dried root in cold water overnight. Filter and drink this infusion throughout the day. Marshmallow forms a gentle gel that coats the throat, soothing irritation and pain.

By incorporating these herbs into your daily routine at the first signs of a cold , you can help your body recover faster while enjoying their delicious taste and natural benefits!Top of form

Food supplements to boost immunity and relieve cold symptoms

In addition to traditional remedies, dietary supplements can play a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of colds .

We therefore offer you a range of 7 food supplements specially designed to strengthen your immunity and help you effectively combat the inconveniences of colds.

Supplement # 1: Immupran

Immupran is a supplement rich in beta-glucans from saccharomyces cervisiae , known to stimulate the immune system (2,3).

Additionally, immupran boost contains extracts of reishi (ganoderma lucidum), a medicinal mushroom with antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

This supplement is therefore ideal for preparing your immune system to fight against viral infections such as colds or flu , while protecting your body with its antioxidant effects.

Supplement # 2: Lactoferrin

Lactrim , containing lactoferrin , is a valuable ally for the protection of your mucous membranes, particularly respiratory ones. This supplement helps strengthen your immune system by depriving pathogens of the iron needed for them to thrive, providing an additional barrier against viral and bacterial infections, including rhinovirus (cold) and coronavirus (COVID-19) (4–6 ).

Supplement # 3: Echinacea

Our echinacea supplement comes from the aerial part of the plant and not its roots, offering a wealth of micronutrients and active ingredients.

Used for its immunostimulating properties , echinacea is perfect for strengthening your body's natural defenses , especially during seasons when colds are common (7–10).

It is also effective in reducing inflammation during respiratory infections.

Supplement # 4: Quercetin

Quercetin , a flavonoid found in many plants, is known for its antiallergic, antioxidant , and anti-inflammatory properties (11–13). It acts as a natural antihistamine , relieving symptoms of allergies and allergic rhinitis .

Additionally, it supports cardiovascular health and can help reduce inflammation in the body.

Supplement # 5: Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for optimal immune system function (14). Low vitamin D levels have been associated with increased susceptibility to infections , particularly respiratory infections.

To better protect yourself against colds , stock up on vitamin D by exposing yourself to the sun for about fifteen minutes a day , by consuming dairy products enriched with this vitamin or by opting for food supplements , especially in regions with little sunlight and during the winter months.

Supplement # 6: Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known for its crucial role in supporting the immune system . It helps strengthen the body's defenses and can reduce the duration of colds (15,16) .

You can find vitamin C in the form of tablets , capsules , or incorporated into fortified drinks and foods . It is particularly effective when taken regularly , especially during the cold season.

Supplement No. 7: Zinc

Zinc plays a key role in maintaining a healthy immune system and may help reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms (15–17).

Available in the form of capsules , lozenges or integrated into certain foods, zinc is most effective when taken as soon as the first symptoms of a cold appear.

By integrating these food supplements into your daily routine, especially during periods prone to colds , you strengthen your immune system and prepare your body to fight more effectively against all kinds of infections!


Although the common cold is often considered a minor ailment , its symptoms can be annoying and disrupt your daily life.

Fortunately, as we have shown throughout the article, there are a multitude of natural options to cure a cold quickly and naturally!

Whether you opt for essential oils , medicinal plants , or grandmother's remedies , these solutions offer a gentle and effective approach to relieving a blocked or runny nose, lowering a fever, and relieving sore throats.

However, for a more comprehensive approach and to maximize your chances of effectively fighting colds, don't underestimate the power of dietary supplements ! Products such as Immupran , Lactrim , Echinacea , and Quercetin , available on our site, are specially designed to strengthen your immune system , protect you against infections , and relieve cold symptoms in a natural and effective way.

By adopting the right reflexes and integrating these food supplements into your daily routine , especially during periods prone to colds, you take care of your health while adopting a proactive approach to prevent colds and treat them more easily.

Remember, taking care of yourself also means preventing and treating wisely. So why wait?

Act now for a more peaceful winter!

Winter Formula
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  1. MSD Manual Professional Edition [Internet]. [cited Jan 21, 2024]. Common cold — Infectious diseases .
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