À quoi servent les compléments alimentaires

What are dietary supplements used for?

In 2016, the dietary supplements market was estimated at $122 billion. By 2022, this figure has risen to $200 billion, an increase of over 60%. Forecasts predict the same increase between now and 2028.1.

The questions we're entitled to ask ourselves are: is this justified, and what are dietary supplements good for? That's what we'll try to answer in this article.


Focus on health

Visit food supplements have been very popular in recent years, particularly in the West. There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, there's a reaction to the "junk food culture" established by fast-food outlets, first in the USA, then in Europe and the rest of the world.

In the USA in particular, over 68% of adults are currently overweight or obese.2. These staggering figures have had the effect of alerting part of the population, as evidenced by the proliferation of professional and self-proclaimed nutritionists on the web.

They often accompany their advice on nutrition and physical activity with dietary supplements.


Food deficiencies

But does this in itself justify the consumption of these dietary supplements? Aren't they just another juicy niche that profit-hungry companies have pounced on?

Well, some studies seem to show that using natural food supplements alongside a balanced diet does make sense.

Dr. David Thomas demonstrated this by comparing the mineral content of 27 varieties of vegetables, 17 varieties of fruit, 10 cuts of meat and a few dairy and cheese products between 1940 and 1991.

The results show that there has been a significant loss of minerals, proteins and trace elements in these foods over this period.

Among other things, the potassium content of spinach fell by 53%, its phosphorus by 70%, its iron by 60% and its copper by 96%. The iron content of meat products fell by an average of 54%.3,4.

Vegetable food supplements


Soil impoverishment and chemical treatment

Once this observation has been made, we can legitimately ask how such a deterioration in food quality could have occurred?

Until now, science has been able to point the finger at two culprits: soil impoverishment due to overexploitation, and the astronomical quantity of chemical substances used not only in the treatment of crops themselves, but also to preserve food during transport and storage.

Pesticide treatment chemical fields

Since 1940, some 70,000 new chemicals have been added to crops and foodstuffs.

What's more, the selection process that has been carried out, de facto reducing the variety of fruit and vegetables available, has in some cases favoured certain varieties that are poorer in nutrients.5.

In 1991, you had to eat 3 apples to consume as much iron as in 1940.

Eating organic food, although recommended and certainly better in every respect, is not enough to close the gap. Organic fields are just as poor as others, and treatments applied to adjacent fields eventually reach their organic neighbors via the rains.

Deficiencies and their consequences

So we can see that, unfortunately, today, worrying about the composition of your plate is not sufficient to supply the body with all the minerals, magnesium, calcium, amino acids and vitamins it needs. Meeting our nutritional needs is becoming increasingly complicated.

At this stage, there are two solutions: eat 25 fruits and vegetables a day (with all the risks that this entails, as the sugar content of fruit has not decreased) or turn to natural food supplements. This second solution enables us to effectively strengthen and maintain our organism in general, including our brain, muscles, joints and body.intestineetc.

Food Supplements


Supplementation to compensate

Nutrients, whether contained in food or not, play a major role in the growth of children and the maintenance of good health in adults. For example, insufficient iron in the body leads to fatigue and concentration problems.

Similarly, a lack of vitamin D weakens the immune system and makes us more vulnerable to viruses and microbes. The main role of dietary supplements is therefore to compensate for this unavoidable deficiency due to the poorer quality of foodstuffs, which leads to many illnesses.

One of the major consequences of an inadequate intake of essential micronutrients is the early onset of osteoarticular pain and tendon inflammation. These are known as rheumatism, osteoarthritis, chronic tendonitis, etc.

It's best to take the initiative with natural products such as Coxadol. Concentrated in devil's claw plant extracts and vitamin C, it helps prevent and treat pain associated with rheumatism, osteoarthritis and other polyarthritic conditions.

In short, your entire metabolism benefits from a natural nutritional supply. Your physiological needs are met, your body functions properly, your immune system improves and your whole life is positively affected.


  1. https://www.statista.com/statistics/828514/total-dietary-supplements-market-size-globally/
  2. https://www.asteur-amerique.org/?+Obesite-aux-Etats-Unis+
  3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14653505/
  4. https://wellnessuniversal.com/93JulyAug-pg6-9-14.html
  5. https://culinarylore.com/food-science:are-todays-fruits-and-vegetables-less-nutritious-soil-depletion-and-nutrition/



Coxadol Harpagophytum Arthrosis Rheumatism joints
Coxadol - Osteoarthritis - Osteoarticular inflammation


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