The 21st century is witnessing many changes in society. One of them, and not the least, concerns health. Where the post-war era saw the emergence of fast food and pre-cooked meals that encouraged obesity, heart disease and premature death, it is now time to respect our bodies and their vital needs.
And good health means a healthy digestive system. As a result, health professionals have become increasingly interested in the intestinal flora, a vast ecosystem containing billions of bacteria largely responsible for our well-being.
As a natural solution for rebalancing the intestinal tract, probiotics are now enjoying well-deserved success. But what are probiotics? And how do they work? Here's a look at these unique food supplements.
What are probiotics?
Two types of bacteria live permanently in and on your body: some good, some bad. It was in the 50s that bacteriologist Werner Kollath1 baptized these bacteria: probiotics. Probiotics are made up of good bacteria and yeast, which contribute to the health and proper functioning of your body.
Probiotics help digest food, destroy pathogenic cells and produce vitamins. They are therefore partly responsible for your state of health health. Many of the micro-organisms contained in probiotic food supplements are identical or similar to the micro-organisms that live naturally in our bodies.
Probiotics in fashion
In 2015, the global market for probiotics was worth US$41 billion. The Sras-COV-2 pandemic seems to have further boosted demand for natural remedies such as probiotics. A study by DuPont Nutrition and Biosciences revealed that the percentage of probiotic users taking supplements every day rose from 37% to 61% between November 2019 and May 2020.2.
But what do doctors think?
Looking at these figures, it's logical to ask whether we're dealing with a fad, a juicy business or a real move towards better health? In 2020, a telephone survey of 1,318 general practitioners across 8 countries showed that 80% recommend probiotics to their patients3.
A study conducted by Professor Hanssen in collaboration with Griffith University in Australia demonstrated that the ingestion of probiotics improves immune balance and sleep, while reducing stress4.
How do probiotics work?
So, how do these little microbes so precious to our health work? Researchers are still trying to understand the exact mechanisms behind how probiotics work. But here's what we do know:
Types of probiotics
Many types of bacteria are classified as probiotics. They all have different benefits, but most belong to two groups:
This is perhaps the most common probiotic. It's the one you'll find in yoghurts and other fermented foods. Its different strains help fight diarrhea, and also help people who can't digest lactose, the milk sugar.
Found in certain dairy products. It can help alleviate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and certain other conditions.
What exactly do they do?
Among other things, probiotics help move food through the intestine by acting on the nerves that control intestinal movement. Researchers are still trying to determine which ones are best for certain health problems.
Here are some of the common conditions they treat:
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
- Diarrhea caused by antibiotics
- Intestinal hyperpermeability, porous intestine
- Infectious diarrhea (caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites)
A study carried out by the International Probiotics Association revealed that 65% of men aged between 55 and 65 reported positive effects of probiotic food supplements on their health, and this figure rises to 85% among women aged between 40 and 55.5 |
What's the difference between prebiotics and probiotics?
But in our intestines, probiotics don't work alone. They cooperate closely with prebiotics to maintain the healthiest possible flora.
What are prebiotics?
Prebiotics are plant fibers that act as fertilizers that stimulate the growth of probiotics in the intestine.
Prebiotics are found in many fruits and vegetables, particularly those containing complex carbohydrates such as fiber and starch. As these carbohydrates are not digestible by your body, they become available to you via the digestive system, food for bacteria and other microbes.

Complementary use of prebiotics and probiotics
As you can see, if you don't have the fertile soil in your intestines to grow probiotics, consuming them will only have a relative effect. To build a healthy intestinal flora, it is therefore advisable to consume both types of supplements.
Humicol + Beocin: the optimal combo
As mentioned above, prebiotics are fuel for probiotics, in the form of fiber. Prebiotics are not only there to help the development of probiotics taken as supplements, but are also a source of energy for the probiotics. They are also a fertilizer for the probiotics already present in your digestive organs. Taking one capsule of Humicol during lunch helps to spread digestion over a longer period, allowing it to spread more evenly through your digestive tract.
Probiotics, on the other hand, should be consumed on an empty stomach, so that they reach your digestive tract as quickly as possible.intestine and not be "killed" by stomach acids and enzymes.
However, it is possible to Beocin Forte is voluntarily contained in a capsule capsule so that it acts in the right place in your intestine.
The combination of Beocin and Humicol makes up the formulaoptimal formula for healthy intestines and a healthy intestinal flora intestinal flora. Using them in symbiosis leads to better digestion, reduced fatigue and improved digestive efficiency. immune system.