Magnésium Bisglycinate

What are the benefits of magnesium bisglycinate?

The magnesium is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of our body. It is involved in over 300 metabolic reactions, generally in close collaboration with the sodiumand potassium and calcium. This is why various physiological disorders, both physical and psychological, can occur when magnesium intake is inadequate.

Magnesium must be supplied by dietas it cannot be synthesized by the body. However, our Western diet does not meet our daily requirements of magnesium.

In fact, it is estimated that at least 70% of the French population lacks magnesium! It is therefore recommended to increase consumption of magnesium-rich foods such as bananabananas chocolatechocolate oleaginousand whole grains and seafood.

food magnesium bisglycinate

For a faster, more effective correction of magnesium deficiencyhealth professionals recommend the use of at magnesium-based dietary supplements.

Among the many products available on the market are magnesium bisglycinate. This is a highly assimilable form of magnesium and well-tolerated by our body.

Find out in this article what magnesium bisglycinate, its benefits compared to other forms of magnesium and its numerous health benefits!

What is magnesium bisglycinate?

Visit magnesium bisglycinatealso known as magnesium bisglycinateis a combination of magnesium and glycine (an amino acid) that offers high bioavailabilitybioavailability better intestinal absorption and a high digestive tolerance.

In fact other forms of magnesium are sometimes poorly assimilated by the body (magnesium oxides, hydroxides, chlorides or sulfates) or poorly tolerated (leading to digestive problems).

It is therefore recommended to opt for the magnesium bisglycinate to effectively correct magnesium deficiency while avoiding side effects side effects of magnesium.

What are the benefits of magnesium bisglycinate?

The magnesium has numerous therapeutic virtues. As a general rule form associated with glycine (magnesium bisglycinate) has demonstrated its superiority than other forms of magnesium.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of magnesium bisglycinate health benefits :

1. Improved sleep

Sleep magnesium bisglycinate

Visit magnesium promotes sleep by exerting a relaxing, soothing effect on the central nervous system. Indeed, we tend to fall asleep more quickly and have a good night's sleep when you're relaxed and soothed.

In addition, magnesium has been shown to be involved in the production of melatoninthe hormone that induces and promotes sleep.

As for glycinebeing the inhibitory neurotransmitter inhibitory neurotransmitter of the hindbrain and spinal cord, it also calms the central nervous system, thereby helps you fall asleep and improves sleep conditions. In fact, it has been shown that people receiving glycinein this case magnesium bisglycinate, slept better and showed a clear fatigue and daytime sleepiness. (fatigue and sleepiness during the day due to lack of sleep at night).

To find out how magnesium bisglycinate improves sleep, read the article "Magnesium bisglycinate and sleep: magnesium for better sleep?" is available here..

2. Reduced stress and anxiety

Anxiety Stress magnesium bisglycinate

Visit magnesium helps reduce stress and anxiety by soothing the central nervous system and reducing the secretion of certain hormones involved in stress (notably noradrenaline).

The glycine also contributes to this state of calm and well-being. The magnesium bisglycinate helps you cope with stressful everyday situations in a more serene and controlled way.

3. Improved mood

Mood magnesium bisglycinate

Magnesium deficiency is often associated with depressiondepression melancholy and others mood disorders. This could be explained by the decrease in serotonin levelslevels, known as"long-term happiness hormonein the brain.

Correcting a magnesium deficiency next a course of magnesium bisglycinate helps to improve mood and depression.

4. Increased sporting performance

sports performance magnesium bisglycinate

The magnesium is a essential for the proper functioning of muscles. When it is lacking, we are more exposed to muscle crampsand contractures and aches and pains after physical activity.

A magnesium-rich diet or taking a dietary supplement containing magnesium bisglycinate helps to improve muscle function, speed up muscle recovery after workouts and reduce undesirable effects such as cramps, aches and injuries.

In general, the magnesium bisglycinate increases sports performance. It is widely used by top athletes.

5. Strengthening bones and teeth

skeleton tooth bone magnesium bisglycinate

Like vitamin Dvitamin magnesium is involved in calcium homeostasisand is involved in parathyroid activity.

As a reminder parathyroid are four small glands located behind the thyroid gland, whose role is to regulate the blood calcium concentration (calcemia) by secreting a hormone called PTH or parathormone.

A magnesium deficiencydeficiency, especially when severe, can lead to reduced mineralization of bone and dental tissue. In other words, bones and teeth become more fragile, and therefore more prone to fracture.

Supplementation with magnesium bisglycinate therefore helps to strengthen your bones and teeth!

6. Fights inflammation

Inflammation magnesium bisglycinate

L'inflammation is a physiological process (normal and beneficial) process, but when it is too intense or persists for a long timeit becomes problematic and alters the way the body functions.

The glycine present in magnesium bisglycinate helps reduce inflammatory phenomena throughout the body by reducing the activity of certain pro-inflammatory substances, notably C-reactive protein (CRP).

The magnesium bisglycinate therefore helps combat the harmful effects of excessive inflammation and prevent/soothe various chronic inflammatory pathologies such as polyarthritis.

7. Combats certain types of pain

headaches magnesium bisglycinate

Certain headaches (headaches) that occur repeatedly may be due to a particular type of reduced magnesium levels in the blood (hypomagnesemia).

It is not uncommon for magnesium supplementation prescribed by the doctor for people prone to chronic migrainesin which case the magnesium bisglycinate which offers rapid correction of magnesemia (blood magnesium levels) without causing signs of intolerance.

In fact, according to several scientific studiesmagnesium supplementation reduces the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks by around 40%.

8. Combating high blood pressure

high blood pressure magnesium bisglycinate

According to studies, a drop in blood magnesium levels can lead to vasoconstrictioni.e. a reduction in the caliber of blood vessels and capillaries. This vasoconstrictive effect of hypomagnesemia leads to a higher blood pressure.

Conversely, an optimal level of magnesium in the blood promotes vasodilationi.e. the opening up of blood vessels and an increase in their diameter, leading to a lower blood pressure.

It is therefore advisable to provide the body with sufficient magnesium on a daily basis, via the diet or supplements (magnesium bisglycinate), in order to maintain normal blood pressureespecially for people suffering from hypertension or other hypertension-related cardiovascular diseases.


The magnesium is a mineral essential to the proper functioning of our body, as it is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions. That's why it's so important to supply our bodies with enough magnesium, by eating foods rich in it every day, such as bananasbananas cocoaand chocolatechocolate fruit driedand wholegrain cereals and oysters.

Our current eating habits rarely meet our daily magnesium requirements, which is why it is useful to turn to magnesium supplements. dietary supplements to avoid the harmful effects of magnesium deficiency.

Visit magnesium bisglycinate is a form of magnesium highly assimilable by our body and, unlike other forms of magnesium, it is also very well tolerated and does not cause digestive problems.

Following a magnesium bisglycinate cure helps, among other things :

  • Fall asleep faster and improve sleep ;
  • Reduce daily stress and anxiety;
  • A better mood;
  • better physical performance;
  • less fatigue and faster recovery;
  • Stronger bones and teeth;
  • Reduce inflammation in the body;
  • Reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks;
  • Maintain normal blood pressure and combat high blood pressure.

Be careful, if you suffer from one or more symptoms, consult your doctor before taking any dietary avoid missing out on a potentially serious pathology.

Visit magnesium supplementation can help correct a deficiency, but it is essential to have a balanced and diversified diet to maintain correct magnesium levels over the long term.

magnesium bisglycinate
Magnesium Bisglycinate
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