Arthrose main symptômes

What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hand?

Osteoarthritis is a condition that causes the degradation of cartilage of a joint, leading to pain, stiffness and loss of mobility.

This can occur in any joint, but most commonly in the hands, spine, hips, knees or fingers.

In this article, we look at the symptoms that can signal the presence of osteoarthritis in the hands.

Nodule formation

These nodules are like small lumps that appear on the phalanges. They are small in size. These abnormal lumps have a rounded appearance. Nodules mainly affect the last phalanges of the fingers. But all phalanges are affected by osteoarthritis.

Phalanx Hand osteoarthritis

In fact, the phalanges form the skeleton of the fingers on your hand. There are three types of phalanges. These are the proximal phalanx, the intermediate phalanx and the terminal phalanx.

Unlike the other fingers of the hand, the thumb has only two types of phalanges.

On the other hand, nodules can lead to unsightly finger deformities. Some people with osteoarthritis find these deformities disabling. We speak of Heberden's nodules and Bouchard's nodules.

Joint pain

Joint pain in the hands is the main symptom. This condition causes chronic pain of varying degrees of severity. They may manifest themselves in the form of osteoarthritis attacks.

The patient complains of pain in the hands and fingers. The pain is felt in the area of each joint affected by osteoarthritis. However, the intensity of the pain varies from one joint to another.

Joint pain

Joints are surrounded by highly innervated tissue. This explains the origin of pain. Hand arthritis should not be confused with hand osteoarthritis. In fact, arthritis is caused by inflammation of the hand joints.

In this case, the joints joints become red and swollen. This inflammation is sometimes triggered by a viral infection. The pain of osteoarthritis is not accompanied by fever.

Joint stiffness

In addition to pain, osteoarthritis of the hand can also cause stiffness. This makes it difficult to perform movements properly. Opening a bottle of water, for example, will be difficult.

The fingers don't have enough strength to grip objects. Stiffness increases especially aftera period of rest. You'll notice stiffer fingers when you wake up in the morning. That's why we recommend movement or activity to improve finger stiffness.

Rest is necessary when the fingers of the hands become very painful. However, slight movements are recommended to ensure mobility.

For the thumb

Doctors speak of rhizarthrosis. This medical term refers to osteoarthritis affecting the base of the thumb. It frequently occurs in women after the age of 50. You will feel pain at the root of the affected thumb.

It is painful during movement. For example, when you want to pinch or squeeze something. Stiffness may also occur. Not to mention that rhizarthrosis can lead to deformation of the first phalanx of the thumb.

rhizarthrosis arthrosis thumb


Medication is available to relieve flare-ups of pain. Prompt treatment is useful for rapidly reversing the disease. Consult your doctor as soon as symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hands appear.

Any solutions?

Fortunately, there are solutions for everyone affected by this terrible disease. Natural treatments that can provide reliefreduce pain and inflammation.

If you are interested in this subject, we invite you to read our article "Osteoarthritis of the hand, what to do?.

Coxadol Arthrosis Hand Harpagophytum

Coxadol - Osteoarthritis - Osteoarticular inflammation

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