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How to relieve osteoarthritis pain in the hands?

Osteoarthritis presentation

Osteoarthritis is a disease that attacks our cartilage and joints. It can affectthe hip, the knee or any other joint in the body. In the case of osteoarthritis of the hand, the disease attacks the fingers or thumb (rhizarthrosis).

Osteoarthritis is one of of joint pain most common in people over 50. Don't wait too long to do something about it when the first symptoms appear. Mechanical joint pain, bone overgrowth, morning stiffness...

The symptoms don't go unnoticed. Fortunately, you can take natural action against the pain of osteoarthritis of the hands. Your doctor's treatment can be complemented by natural treatments.

Plants for natural osteoarthritis relief

Plants can help relieve pain from the inside out. Certainly, plants can be very effective in relieving the pain caused by osteoarthritis. However, it's best to use plants with a proven track record.

Plant to relieve osteoarthritis

Plants: an extra help

There's no longer any need to prove it! Plants have always been used for treatment. What's more, a large number of scientific studies have revealed the effectiveness of plants against disease. However, it should be pointed out that each plant addresses a specific health problem.

That's why you need to use them with full knowledge of their virtues. For example, in the case of osteoarthritis of the hands, be sure that the plant you are going to use is suitable. In fact, depending on its speciality, the plant used will be able to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis or calm any inflammation of the joint.

It's up to you to select the right plant extracts to relieve your joint pain.

What forms do plants take?

Specialists have realized that, for their best use, plants need to take on other forms. This is why they can be found, for example, in the form of food supplements as tablets, capsules, powders, ointments or essential oils.

Here, the active plant ingredients have been selected and concentrated in a particular form. These tailor-made products play an active role in relieving the pain of osteoarthritis.

For example, if you take "Coxadol". This dietary supplement contains extracts of the plant commonly known as "devil's claw".

Coxadol Harpagophytum Osteoarthritis Osteoarticular inflammation
Coxadol - Osteoarthritis - Osteoarticular inflammation

Which plants are known to relieve osteoarthritis pain?

It would be impossible to list all the plants that fight joint pain and inflammation in this section. We have selected a few plants for their remarkable virtues.

Harpagophytum or Devil's Claw

Harpagophytum Devil's Claw

Devil's claw is a plant used in a variety of ways. We'll confine ourselves to its effectiveness in relieving joint pain and inflammation.

It originates from the Kalahari desert in Africa. The plant's roots are prized for their medicinal properties. They have been used for thousands of years to combat pain and fever. Harpagophytum roots have proven analgesic or pain-relieving properties. Devil's claw improves joint mobility in cases of stiffness.

Clinical studies have shown that Harpagophytum's action is comparable to that of conventional anti-inflammatory drugs. This plant also has a positive effect on synovial cells. Take devil's claw in tablet form to combat painful flare-ups.


Turmeric is a popular spice in India. It is described as a herbaceous plant. This spice has interesting medicinal properties. It is used to relieve osteoarthritis and rheumatic pain. Turmeric also combats free radicals.


Meadowsweet is a perennial plant native to certain regions of Europe. It acts as a painkiller. This is why meadowsweet is used in cases of osteoarthritis or painful cellulite. It has diuretic and toxin-eliminating properties. Its pain-relieving qualities make meadowsweet an ideal plant to get rid of osteoarthritis pain, and it is useful in cases of rheumatism.

Essential oils

Osteoarthritis essential oils

These can be applied to the skin. They can also be used in conjunction with dietary supplements. Apply lemon eucalyptus essential oil 3 to 4 times a day. Another natural analgesic is nutmeg essential oil. Apply wintergreen essential oil for its excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

But be careful when using essential oils. Avoid applying them directly to the skin. They must first be diluted in a vegetable oil. A combination of different essential oils may be more effective.

How to choose your osteoarthritis supplements?

Avoid taking supplements without knowing what's inside. These tips will help you make the right choice. Ask an expert for advice if you have any doubts, or consult the article "How to choose your food supplements.

What do capsules contain?

Dietary supplements for osteoarthritis contain powerful active ingredients. They are of natural origin, having been derived from plants such as devil's claw, turmeric and blackcurrant.

Take, for example, the dietary supplement "Coxadol"which was introduced to you above. The active ingredient derived from devil's claw is harpagoside. Harpagoside effectively relieves osteoarthritis, rheumatism and tendonitis. It can also be used to relieve certain types of arthritis.

This dietary supplementThis dietary supplement, in the form of a gastro-resistant tablet, can be used in children over 12 years of age. Treatment lasts 3 to 6 months. However, dosage varies according to the situation (maintenance or crisis).

Coxadol Harpagophytum Osteoarthritis Osteoarticular inflammation

What is their role?

It has to be said that a variety of dietary supplements on the market have a general action. However, tablets to combat osteoarthritis have a more specific aim. They can act on pain thanks to their analgesic principles, which help to alleviate pain. The tablets also contain anti-inflammatory molecules. All these active ingredients work in perfect synergy.

Scientific proof of their effectiveness.

Do we really have concrete proof? We have to rely on the results of clinical studies to continue to praise the power of osteoarthritis tablets.

In the case of Harpagophytum or Devil's Claw, specialists have been observing its performance for over 30 years. In fact, its actions were first recognized by the German Ministry of Health in 1989. But its action on osteoarthritis pain was first highlighted by ESCOP (European Scientific Cooperative On Phytotherapy). This discovery was made in 1996.

It should be noted that the WHO considers Harpagophytum to have pain-relieving effects on rheumatic pain. Then there's the recognition granted by the EMA (European Medicines Agency). This body recognizes the efficacy of devil's claw for joint pain. A study carried out in 2007 by Queen Elizabeth University in Edinburgh revealed the anti-inflammatory aspect of this plant.

Osteoarthritis: adopt the right habits to relieve pain

The better you behave in the face of osteoarthritis, the less you'll suffer when the pain flares up. Here are a few tips to help you relax.

Diet for osteoarthritis

It's important to eat a healthy, balanced diet. That's why it's important to make a judicious selection of the foods you eat. A number of foods are recommended for those fighting osteoarthritis. Eat tart cherries, as they are a good source of antioxidants. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a natural ally against osteoarthritis. You can opt for tart cherry juices available on the market.

Cherry Osteoarthritis

Eat walnuts for their high omega-3 content. They play a key role in the fight against inflammation. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties.

What to eat for osteoarthritis, consult our article.

Get regular exercise

Sport helps maintain muscles. It also helps maintain the mobility of painful joints. Choose a sporting activity suited to your preferences. Exercise regularly, gradually increasing the pace. Avoid sporting activities that could multiply your suffering. Such as karate or judo.

Depending on your aspirations, you can do short sessions lasting from 30 to 60 minutes.

Take a spa cure

A spa treatment can be a good ally during painful flare-ups of osteoarthritis. You can join a spa for a kaolin mud bath. Specialists use warm mud to ease pain.

And if you're overweight, spas can help. Hydrotherapy treatments also have slimming virtues. Water jets applied to the joint area also bring relief.

Coxadol Osteoarthritis Osteoarticular inflammation
Coxadol - Osteoarthritis - Osteoarticular inflammation
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