Comment mieux dormir

How to sleep better? Our 10 tips for a good night's sleep

Have you ever felt the helplessness of a restless nightwhen the sleep seems to be an elusive quest? If so, take heart, you're far from alone!

Indeed, in our modern world, where screens and blue light invade our evenings, sleep well has become a luxury. But just imagine: a night of restful sleepwhere you fall asleep peacefully and wake up refreshed. It may seem like a distant dream, but with a few adjustments and natural aids, such as magnesium bisglycinate and lemon balmthis dream can come true!

In this article, we introduce you to how to sleep better and turn every hour before bedtime into an invitation to restful sleep!

Follow us in this journey towards more serene, restorative nightswhere every sleep problem finds its solution, and discover how a well-chosen dietary supplement can be your ally for peaceful nights. Because a good night's sleep is not just a wish, it's a necessity for a balanced and happy life!

Understanding sleep: sleep hormone and nocturnal cycles

If you're wondering how to get a good night's sleep and peacefully rejoin Morpheus' arms, it's crucial to know understand the central role of melatoninthe sleep hormone, and the different nocturnal cycles.

For many, finding sleep quickly and enjoying a restful night's sleep seems to be a daily challenge. The quality of our sleep is influenced by many factors, and a better understanding of these elements may be the key to combating insomnia and sleep deprivation.

Melatonin, or the sleep hormone

The melatoninoften called the sleep hormoneregulates our circadian rhythm and helps us sleep better at night. Its production is influenced by light: it increases at dusk and decreases at dawn [1]. That's why we avoid screens and bright lights before going to bed is essential.

In fact, electronic devices emit blue light which can disrupt melatonin secretionsecretion, delaying sleep onset and affecting the quality of your sleep.

Sleep: alternating phases and cycles

sleep cycle

During the night, we go through several sleep phasesalternating between light sleepthe deep sleepand REM sleep [2], [3].

Each cycle (made up of 3 phases: light sleep, then deep sleep and REM sleep) lasts approximately 90 minutesand an ideal night's rest comprises several of these cycles [2].

Visit deep sleep is particularly important for restful sleep, as it is the time when the body regenerates and restores itself.

Sleep disorders: identifying and understanding


Visit sleep disorders are a set of conditions that disrupt normal sleep and can have a significant impact on our daily health and well-being. Understanding and identifying these disorders is a crucial step in finding appropriate solutions and regaining optimal sleep quality.

Here are some of the most common sleep disorders, and you'll probably recognize yourself in one of them:

  • Insomnia: You have trouble falling asleep, or you often wake up in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep. These sleepless nights may be occasional, but if they become a habit, they disrupt your daily routine and reduce your quality of life [4].
  • Sleep apnea: Have you ever been told by your partner that you stopped breathing briefly during sleep, or that you emitted loud snoring sounds? If so, you could be suffering from sleep apnea, a disorder in which breathing stops or becomes shallow during sleep, waking you often and fragmenting your nights [5].
  • Restless legs syndrome Restless legs syndrome: when it's time to sleep at night, despite your fatigue, you feel a discomfort or an irrepressible need to move your legs, preventing you from finding the peace and comfort you need to fall asleep [6], [7].
  • Parasomnias: your spouse, or other loved one, has caught you (or regularly catches you) sleep-walking, talking in your sleep, or even waking you up with a start, terrified by a nightmare or night terror. These phenomena, known as parasomnias, can be confusing and disruptive, both for you and your loved ones [8], [9].

It's important to note that sleep disorders can be the symptom of underlying problemssuch as stress, anxietyanxiety depressionor certain medical conditions. They can also be influenced by environmental factors, such as the weather. noisenoise lightor inappropriate lifestyle habits [10].

Sleep rituals: preparing body and mind

Would you like to improve the quality of your sleep and reduce night-time awakenings? The key could lie in the rituals you practice before bedtime.

These routines are not just symbolic gestures; they signal to your body and mind that it's time to slow down and prepare for a night of deep, restorative sleep.

Indeed, one of the best tips for better sleep is to establish a regular routine.

bedtime alarm clock

Here are just a few principles to follow if you want to set up an effective routine before going to bed :

  • Set time : Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even at weekends. This helps to regulate your sleep rhythm and promote quality sleep every night [11].
  • Sleep time : aim for 7 to 9 hours sleep per night to allow your body to regenerate fully. The strict minimum is 6 hours a night, 8 to 10 hours for teenagers whose sleep needs are greater [12].
  • Relaxing activities: adopt relaxing activities such as readinglistening to soft musicor meditation in the hours before bedtime to calm your mind and prepare for sleep [13].
  • Stimulating activities: avoid stimulating activities such as sports in the evening, at least two hours before going to bed [14].
  • Avoid screens: Blue light from screens disrupts your internal clock and delays the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone [15], [16]. So opt for a good old-fashioned paper book or e-reader for your evening reading.
  • Nutrition: opt for light meals in the evening. Dairy products, hot non-caffeinated drinks and foods rich in vitamins and minerals can help you sleep better. Of course, avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can disrupt your sleep [17].

By adopting these bedtime ritualsprepare your body and mind for an optimal night's rest. This will not only help you sleep better, but also improve your overall health and well-being.

Take advantage of our multi-approach formula "Restore restful sleep to create a before bedtime and benefit from restful nights!

This package includes a video and a guide presenting tools and protocols and protocols for optimizing sleep quality, a video and a guide routine based on 5 easy and effective exercises tips and tricks tips and tricks, as well as 75 capsules of Magnesium Bisglycinate known to reduce stress and promote sleep!

Ideal environment for good sleep: how can you get a better night's sleep by making simple adjustments to your environment?

Do you sometimes find it hard to close your eyelids and drift off to sleep, despite your obvious tiredness? A key factor in peaceful sleep is your sleeping environment.

Find out how simple adjustments in your bedroom can greatly improve the quality and duration of your sleep every night [18]!

Adjust the temperature

A well-ventilated room and maintained at a cool temperature helps you fall asleep better and sleep more soundly. The ideal temperature varies from person to person, but is generally between 16 and 19 degrees Celsius.

Promote total darkness

L'darkness is another crucial factor for quality sleep. It promotes the release of melatonin, the key sleep hormone.

Your bedroom must be as dark as possible. From blackout curtains can be an effective solution for blocking outside light.

If you live in an urban environment with a lot of night light, consider a blackout curtain. sleep mask to protect your eyes from residual light.

No noise should disturb you

Visit silence is also important. If you live in a noisy neighbourhood earplugs or a white noise machine can help mask disturbing sounds.

The aim is to create a calm environment that won't disturb your sleep.

Invest in good bedding

A comfortable mattressand pillows adapted to your sleeping position and sheets that are pleasant to the touch can make a big difference.

Your bed should be a haven of comfort, inviting and conducive to rest!

Keep screens out of your bedroom

blue light

Avoid screens in the bedroom. Visit blue light emitted by phones, tablets and computers can disrupt your circadian rhythm and delay melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep.

Try to limit the use of these devices at least one hour before bedtime.

Physical activity: exercise helps you sleep (but not at night!)

sports activity sleep

Visit link between physical activity and a quality sleep is well-established [14]. Incorporating sport into your daily routine can be a great way to improve the quality and duration of your sleep!

Regular exercise helps to regulate stress hormones such as cortisol, which, when balanced, help you sleep better at night.

Plus, physical activity increases body temperatureand its post-exercise cooling can encourage a sense of drowsiness.

But be carefulvoid intense exercise too close to bedtimeas they can have a stimulating effect and delay sleep.

The ideal is to exercise in the morning or early eveninggiving your body enough time to relax before going to bed.

Diet and sleep: how to get a good night's sleep by making dietary adjustments?

Avoid heavy, spicy or high-fat meals just before bedtimeas they can cause discomfort and disrupt sleep.

Also, limit consumption caffeine and alcohol consumptionespecially in the hours before bedtime.

To help you get a good night's sleep, opt for an a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins [17]. These foods contain essential nutrients that help regulate sleep cycles.

For example bananasthe almonds and dairy products are rich in magnesiuma mineral which promotes muscle relaxation, reduces stress and improves sleep.

In fact, magnesium plays a crucial role in the quality of your sleep! Our dietary supplement with magnesium bisglycinate is specially designed to help you get a good night's sleep.

Magnesium bisglycinate, a form of magnesium easily absorbed by the bodycontributes to muscular relaxation and reduce nervous tension. This action is essential for prepare your body for deep, uninterrupted sleep.

What's more, magnesium is recognized for its role in regulation of neurotransmitterswhich send signals to the brain and central nervous system, helping to maintain a healthy, balanced immune system. natural sleep cycle and healthy.

Incorporate our magnesium bisglycinate food supplement into your night-time routineyou'll give your body the support it needs for quality sleep, essential to your overall well-being!

Stress management: relaxation techniques for restful sleep

For combat stress and improve your sleep, the integration of relaxation techniques into your daily routine can be extremely beneficial.

sleep breathing

Here are a few effective methods:

  • Techniques for deep breathing.
  • Yoga or gentle meditation.
  • Mindfulness exercises.
  • Listening to relaxing music or nature sounds.
  • Regular moderate physical activity (but not in the hours before bedtime).
  • Pre-bedtime relaxation routine (try our multi-approach formula for restful sleep).
  • Magnesium intake (try our dietary supplement based on magnesium bisglycinate, a form highly assimilated by the body).
  • Soothing plants (try our Lemon Balm dietary supplement, which soothes you in the evening while promoting healthy digestion).

By incorporating these simple but effective techniques into your daily life, you can significantly improve your stress management and sleep.

Natural remedies: fight sleep disorders naturally

For those looking for natural solutions to sleep disordersThere are a wide variety of remedies that can help improve sleep quality.

Here are a few options:

  • Herbal infusions: Herbal teas such as chamomile, lemon balm, valerian and lavender are renowned for their relaxing properties and can help induce sleep.
  • Magnesium supplements: Magnesiumin particular magnesium bisglycinate, helps relax muscles and the mind, contributing to deeper sleep.
  • Essential oils : aromatherapy, with oils such as lavender or ylang-ylangcan create a soothing atmosphere conducive to sleep.
  • Exposure to natural light: Spending time outdoors during the day, especially in the morning, can help regulate sleep cycles.

To conclude: our 10 tips for a good night's sleep are summarized here!

comfortable bedding sleep

Here are the 10 sleep tips to remember:

  1. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day: to regulate your biological clock.
  2. Create a soothing sleep environment: make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet and at a comfortable temperature.
  3. Limit exposure to screens before bedtime: Keep bright screens (telephones, computers, TV) away from your bed at least one to two hours before bedtime, to promote relaxation.
  4. Establish a routine or ritual before bedtime: Practice relaxing activities such as reading, listening to soft music or taking a hot bath to prepare your body for sleep (try the effective routine we offer in our multi-approach "get back to restful sleep" formula).
  5. Exercise regularly: physical activity during the day can help improve your sleep (but avoid sport or any other stimulating activity in the evening).
  6. Avoid heavy meals and caffeine in the evening: A light meal and the avoidance of stimulants such as caffeine can prevent sleep disturbances.
  7. Practice relaxation or meditation: Techniques such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing before bedtime can reduce stress.
  8. Use natural remedies: consider options such as herbal infusions dietary supplements based on Lemon balm or the magnesium bisglycinate for natural relaxation.
  9. Maintain a balanced diet: a healthy, balanced diet promotes better sleep.
  10. Manage stress: Adopt effective stress management strategies to reduce negative thoughts that can disrupt sleep.

If your sleep problems persist, don't hesitate to consult a doctor or sleep specialist.

These simple but effective tips can help you to improve your sleep and, consequently, your quality of life!


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