Visit lysine is a essential amino acidThis means that our body is unable to synthesize it on its own. However, it is a necessary element for numerous functions such as protein productionthe antibody formationthe carbohydrate metabolism and calcium absorption. It is therefore important to supply the body with this amino acid by diet in sufficient quantities for optimal functioning.
Among the many benefits of lysine health benefits, its fortifying action on hair. Read more in this article.
What is lysine?
Visit lysine or "L-lysine is one of the 9 essential amino acids for the human species, which is involved in numerous bodily functions. The latter being unable to manufacture it itselfwe have to provide it daily in sufficient quantities via dietparticularly by consuming foods rich in it, such as meatsmeats fishfish eggsand legumes and cereals. To learn more about Lysine, see our article "What is Lysine? is available here..
Lysine: what are its benefits?
Here are just a few of the many benefits of lysine health benefits:
- Repair and construction of various body tissues;
- Intervention in collagen production;
- Increased intestinal calcium absorption;
- Strengthens bones and fights osteoporosis;
- Fights herpes labialis and genital herpes;
- Energy production and fight against fatigue;
- Regulates blood sugar levels and fights diabetes;
- Reduces anxiety, nervousness and depression;
- Improves hair health.
In this article, we focus on the benefits for hair.
Lysine, zoom on its benefits for hair health
The lysine supplementation can have positive effects on hair health.
In fact, according to research and feedback from people following a lysine-rich diet or taking lysine-based dietary supplements, this essential amino acid provides the following benefits:
Hair strengthening

According to research lysine is involved in the production of collagenproduction, a structural protein present in many of the body's tissues, notably the skin to which this protein confers elasticity, firmness and resistance.
Visit collagen fibers are naturally present in the leather scalp and have a on hair growth and health. They act within the hair fibersat their roots, to repair and and strengthen them.
with age, the collagen production decreases and hair becomes less resistant, dull and fine.
By promoting production of collagen in the scalpthe lysine can help repair hair, d'increase their strength and prevent them from falling.
Reducing and preventing hair loss

According to some research lysine may be able to reduce or prevent hair loss by lowering levels of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) levels in the body.
The DHT is a metabolite of testosterone (the main male sex hormone). In genetically predisposed individuals, whether male or female, increased levels of this DHT are responsible for a accelerated hair life cycle. As a result, hair falls out earlier, and when the hair follicle is depleted, hair loss is reduced. baldness appears.
Furthermore, the DHT also leads to hyperseborrhea (an increase in sebum production) and a reduced scalp vascularization. These two phenomena lead to significant weakening of the hair bulbs and hair loss.
Numerous treatments for alopecia (hair loss) are based on molecules known as "anti-androgens which aim to reduce DHT levels and limit hair loss.
By naturally blocking DHT, the lysine in the form of dietary supplement could contribute to prevention hair loss.
Here are the key points to remember about the contribution of lysine in improving hair health:
- La lysinebeing a acid essential amino acid which cannot be synthesized by the body, must be supplied by diet.
- Visit lysine is found in interesting quantities in the proteins of certain foods such as meatsmeats fishfish eggsand legumes and cereals.
- Takinga lysine-based dietary supplement can promote hair growth, improve hair appearance, strengthen it and prevent them from falling : improve their health in general!