Importance of Digestion - Café santé #12


The importance of good digestion

Welcome to Café Santé podcast #12.

Café Santé episodes are sponsored by ProFeel Life and aim to inform and offer insights into natural wellness and optimization.

With Laurine Malherbe, a certified naturopath specializing in micronutrition and digestion, we take you on an in-depth exploration of the digestive system and its impact on our daily well-being.

On the program: How the digestive system works, disruptive factors, why hydrate, diseases linked to poor digestion, common symptoms, the big quiz, some practical advice, resources and a summary. All you need to know about your digestive system and how to pamper it effectively!


🚀 Subscribe now so you don't miss a thing! ➡️ @coffeesante


🎧 Enjoy!



0:00 - Introduction
01:42 - Digestive system
07:22 - Aggravating factors
11:37 - Why Hydrate
17:37 - Related diseases
19:48 - Common symptoms
26:24 - Quiz
30:45 - Practical advice
38:11 - Summary and Resources


Laurine Malherbe➡️

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